So this is Christmas 🎄
I never imagined that I would have to become a rhetorical Malcolm X. I never wanted to become a Counter-Terrorism Operator... nor do I want to become a warlord of any kind... but... you have to do what is necessary to defend people, to protect those you love & save as many lives as possible.
The courts have already clearly spoken. All the evidence is clear!!
The mandates are unscientific, unconstitutional and EXTREMELY HARMFUL!!!
This is a well-proven, weapons-backed, constitutionally-protected & justified statement.
We are now rolling shock & awe deep with operators & intel & soldiers.
“Come correct or get fuckin reckt,” that’s what the world’s most elite freedom fighting forces say!!
Act accordingly 💪❤️🇺🇸🏴🔱
Merry Christmas from POG SOF COM 🎅🏼
Much gratitude & respect to everyone who is not spending Christmas w/ family due to Freedom Fighting reasons.
My spirit is with you 💯!!
Know that your courageous leadership has & will continue to save many lives.
We will win this war!!
I love every one of you 🙏🎄💪❤️🇺🇸🏴
~ David DeGraw
[posted to Facebook here]
Much gratitude & love to all of you who have recently donated!! 💪❤️💯
I LOVE all the heartfelt emails!! I read them all.
We are all fighting serious battles.
Thank you for all the support 🙏
We only have a few days left to have donations doubled.
If you haven’t gone into debt playing Santa for your kids, please support us here.
Have fun w/ all the final prep & last minute shopping… haha… 😀🤷
Merry Merry, Happy Happy,
~ David DeGraw
We are now starting groups in all 50 states to support & defend people who are not complying with unscientific, unconstitutional & harmful mandates!
For more info, email your city & state to
Spread The Word »
Please forward this email to anyone you know who may want to be involved.
You say the CIA are involved with this. I must admit I couldn't imagine how they couldn't be, not something of this magnitude. But is it just some of them (the most powerful) and have they been planted there by rich globalists (like the Rockerfellers and/or Rothschilds)? And are the CIA co-operating with China (they must be) and to what end? To share the spoils and to avoid war? It almost sounds like the greedy people at the top of the US and China are splitting up the world between them. I wonder where Russia fit in to all this.