I fucking snapped this morning… I am being suffocated… facing censorship everywhere I turn… feel like the man in the iron mask. I am literally digitally, algorithmically incarcerated.
Just posted this to Facebook:
Out of respect to family members & friends, I am doing my absolute best to refrain from profanity-laden posts about the utter flaming bullshit censorship I am facing on this platform.
As Rosa Luxemburg famously said, "Those who do not move, do not notice their chains." To update that wisdom for this Facebook era, "Those who only post divisive groupthink, do not notice their chains."
When you focus on core systemic corruption in a way that unites people, those chains are tyrannically heavy, to say the least!
Fact 1: TRILLIONS of our tax dollars are unaccounted for.
Fact 2: Over 100,000 whistleblowers have come forward & have been systematically silenced, including many high-ranking, well-decorated lifelong military & intelligence community officers.
Fact 3: The mainstream media does not cover this.
Fact 4: If anyone reports on this in an in-depth way, they will be hacked, censored and suppressed to the point where you cannot make a living doing journalism.
If you actually take the time to think through the four facts that I just mentioned, all the divide & conquer partisanship and identity-style politics fades away.
My reporting has been supported by people who have opinions across the entire political spectrum... AND THAT'S WHY I AM CENSORED.
TRILLIONS of OUR tax dollars and OUR RESOURCES are being STOLEN.
People talk about how the wars in the Middle East are primarily about oil, which is a big factor, but it is also about bleeding American taxpayers dry.
Global imperialism has now come full circle. Straight up Global War Profiteers are running this country under the guise of a two-party system.
It has been scientifically-proven based on extensive multivariate analysis of every bill & law passed over the last two decades that BOTH parties serve the "global elite" at the expense of American taxpayers. That is Fact 5.
Please stop fighting with family members & friends about politics. We are all in this together. We are all having our future ripped out from under us at an increasing rate.
Most people are afraid to talk about THEFT via unaccounted for military spending because they don't want to sound unpatriotic or make it seem like they are against the military in anyway. Well, to put it bluntly, those people are propagandized.
The biggest supporters that I have are lifelong military & veterans... and people who have spent their careers doing military accounting.
Any serious military strategist, or anyone who cares about defending the American people, knows that you cannot have an effective military if you don't know how TRILLIONS of dollars are being spent. That is supply lines 101, pre-k military strategy.
Ahhh... WTF... this post is too long & barely anyone is going to see this thing anyhow...
For the 1 - 12 of you who do occasionally see my posts, I'm just going to post to our new social network... until that gets all hacked up, like my last 5 websites have!!
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave... yeahhh riiiiight... fairy tales in the land of the propagandized...
It's all PSYOPS... unconventional warfare... Full Spectrum Dominance...
Tap, tap, tapping... on the glass ceiling of our your reality...
Every word was typed out of love.
As bad as Facebook is, Instagram is even worse. When I posted the awesome artwork from Shepard Fairey featured above, after 2 HOURS it had ZERO likes. Now, a day later, after I complained about it on every other social platform that I use, it has 6 likes. SIX.
Twitter has been a bit better than those sights, but the suppression there is absurd as well. I tweeted this graphic from the Project on Government Oversight:
37 retweets probably looks good, but most of those retweets are from people that I personally asked to retweet it. The director of the Project on Government Oversight and Lee Camp, who usually gets 300+ retweets on his posts also retweeted that. The two tweets Lee had before mine each had well over 1000 retweets, when he retweeted my post it added 9 retweets to the total, NINE. Someone who consistently gets hundreds, sometimes thousands of retweets, got 9 on my post… and Twitter is my most effective social site.
I mean, I’m digressing into one case here, this has been going on for years now. I started using this email platform out of desperation in hopes that it would help, but the open rate on these emails is tragically low, the lowest open rate that I’ve ever had.
I’ve gone from building and organizing millions of people on social media, to averaging about 5 likes per post. I used to get over a million page views per report, now I can’t even keep a website up without getting hacked, and Google doesn’t even list my reports on military spending in their search results.
Look, I’m not just bitching about all this, I’ve built my own fucking social network, for the 5TH TIME. I am building new systems, which are under constant attack.
I would just give up on all of this, as my wife definitely wants me to at this point, but I know that I can unite people in a way that I don’t see anyone else doing… and I have so much vital info that I feel a tremendous obligation and responsibility to share.
We can’t go any deeper into debt… we are buried in debt at this point, and I am coming to the brutal realization that things are going to get worse… much worse... our life has already been turned upside-down by all this.
I am going to keep fighting though… I am well past the point of no return, can’t sleep at night knowing what I know while our country is going off a cliff, this is all a responsibility that I cannot ignore.
We need to figure out a way to pay for the social network mobile apps, which are almost finished, and our server, it would be nice to have a website that actually STAYS UP… not to mention the basic costs of living / feeding the family.
I don’t like to ask for donations, but we seriously need financial support. I know most of you on this email list are also dealing with your own money issues BUT… if you can afford anything at all I am at an absolute mission critical point over here.
Please hit this button…
Every single dollar helps!
Quite the humbling email here… it’s an ever-evolving battle and these digital chains are HEAVY, freedom requires eternal vigilance…
Happy Halloween, enjoy your night,
~ David DeGraw