Tomorrow morning at 9am Pacific, we are releasing the first part of a 3-part video series that will CHANGE THE WORLD!!
Quite the bold statement, but we can back it up.
This video series will fundamentally shift the average person’s perspective and understanding of our present global crisis and absolutely destroy popular political narratives by giving people the vital verifiable information that we all need to protect ourselves and our families.
We clearly and concisely reveal who is pulling the tyrannical strings and how global power is presently operating.
Even more importantly than that, we show how we are restoring accountability and the steps you can take to survive and thrive moving forward.
For those of you who have been following my publicly known work over the past 20 years, you know my track record and all the groundbreaking work that I have been involved in.
It has all led up to this video series. This is the most powerful work I’ve ever been involved in, and that is saying a lot.
To understand the weight of that statement, consider what I’ve already done.
* That statement was said before I led the charge to get the first ever audit of the Pentagon and exposed all things COVID-related. After all that, and this upcoming book and video series, being #1 on that infamous list is inevitable.
Here are a few career highlights from the past 20 years:
1) In 2003, before the invasion of Iraq began, I helped reveal information proving that Iraq did not have any WMDs, Saddam had no links to al Qaeda and Ahmed Chalabi, the “Iraqi” dissident who was providing the false intel that led us into supporting the war, was lying and on SAIC’s payroll.
2) In 2006, I helped reveal the scam of subprime mortgages and hundreds of billions of dollars in fraudulently triple A-rated derivatives, which eventually blew up the economy.
3) In 2010, after revealing many facets of the economic terrorism operations known as the “bailout,” I started the 99% Movement and became the original organizer of a decentralized global uprising, which became known as the global Occupy Wall Street Movement.
4) After spending a significant part of my career focused on corruption throughout military spending, I helped reveal tens of trillions of dollars in unaccounted for military spending and publicly led the charge to get the first ever full-scope audit of the Pentagon.
5) Once COVID started, I helped reveal the history and evolution of SARS as a bio-weapon and was the first person to extensively report on Ivermectin-based treatment protocols, which helped save countless lives and should have ended the “pandemic” long before the lockdowns were lifted.
6) Throughout every step of COVID, I have led the charge in exposing corruption, from the trillions of dollars in looting that took place through the COVID CARES Act to the corrupt use of EUAs and the dangers of mRNA nanotech injections.
7) For the majority of the past two years, I have doubled down with many of my contacts throughout the Intel Community, Special Operations Community, the military, and have been traveling across the continental U.S. building a decentralized army of freedom fighters to help defend the country from harmful New World Order policies and unconventional warfare tactics.
Bottom line, everything has all led to this new video series.
All will be revealed.
I plan on winning this war and living many more years in peace and prosperity.
We are more powerful than ever.
However, as I know very well, it is very easy for anyone to be killed, no matter how powerful they are.
That is why I have written a book and recorded many hours of testimonial video, which are all now in the hands of a strategic network of people, as a life insurance policy.
No matter what happens to me, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!
If I do die, it will be on this hill, fighting for freedom and humanity, defending everything that I love.
To say that it is a miracle that I am still alive and moving forward is a major understatement.
I am many miracles deep…
The best battle-tested wisdom I can give is this:
“When you boldly and courageously come correct, mighty forces come to your aid.”
That is the secret to how I have survived this long. I wrote about this concept in detail throughout my forthcoming book, Confessions of a Freedom Fighter.
I call it the armor of God, because, as you will see in the book and these upcoming videos, ultimately we are in a spiritual war.
When you boldly and courageously come correct, without fear, keeping your faith and spirit, even in the darkest hours… if you have an unbreakable faith, you will eventually experience a breakthrough and prevail, no matter the odds.
At the end of the day, that’s the best battle-tested wisdom that I have.
Put all your energy into finding the deepest truth you can get to, and then boldly share it with the world, then many people and powerful forces will naturally gravitate toward you.
Truth is the guidepost… it has served me every step of the way…
Life is truly a Hero’s Journey…
I’m aligned with the source lifeforce and feel no fear.
We will win this war.
We are now an overwhelmingly powerful force that cannot be denied.
Please schedule an hour to watch the first part of the video series tomorrow.
You will be empowered by it.
I’m betting my life on it,
Love you all,
~ David
I will also be releasing more content from my forthcoming book…
Pre-order an autographed Limited Edition first-run copy of CONFESSIONS OF A FREEDOM FIGHTER via PayPal here or via Stripe here.
* First-run limited to 500 copies.
I think it's great if everything comes out now. It will be a huge smackeroo when it does because so many are still in a coma. But I feel you could go further. There will be things that we will all have to come to terms with and make decisions quickly, with discernment. "The Quickening" it's been called and the nimble will surf through it. It's time to change the course of his-story and bring in a new era, an era of egalitarianism. This is the system we can be using today - the Egalitarian Proposal System. This is where every one has equal voice, including children.
I have written the architecture that we can use right now, that gets us off this train wreck. I want everyone to know and think about this because this has the one, two, three punch we need to neutralize the aggressor. We do two things - 1. Adopt a secondary calendar so that we ease ourselves off the Roman calendar (that's a huge middle finger to Rome) and 2. Issue a people's currency. (but first it will need to be designed and we could be working on that right now) Those two doable items plus using the Egalitarian Proposal System in finding consensus (instead of the political system which we will outright repudiate) People can do all this from right where they are and they don't need any money to do it. Everyone can do this although it will kick off with the first adopters.