We just added many new videos from people who are following the science and refusing to be injected every five months.
We will not be injected with experimental, immune system degrading, mRNA hacking nanotech and weaponized spike proteins that collect in our organs and don’t prevent the spread.
Systemically shutting down widely available, inexpensive, safe and effective prophylaxis and early treatments have been grotesque Crimes Against Humanity.
This Big Pharma racket / global fascist surveillance state “vaccination” agenda is tyrannical and EVIL.
We are not bamboozled by fascist PSYOPS.
We will not comply to fascist mandates!!
The majority of the military, Intelligence Community, Special Forces, veterans and police STAND WITH US!!
We know who the corrupted string-pullers are in our compromised chain of command.
We will keep the peace, defend the Constitution and our families, and legally prosecute every one of you for Crimes Against Humanity!!
Much more to come…
Watch the new videos here: #NoVaxSoldiers.
Ye are many, they are few.
~ David DeGraw
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Every dollar seriously helps. The battle against targeted censorship and strategic suppression has been brutal, to say the least.