We just posted our first Occupy Fauci video on the new network here.
You can also view it on Facebook here and Twitter here.
For more info, I reposted my report to the new platform as well:
Origins of COVID-19: Fauci’s $191 Billion Bio-Weaponization of Viruses Against Humanity
Provable In Court Evidence, RICO Racketeering & Crimes Against Humanity, Part 1 (read report)
We also just posted another must see new video fleshing things out some more:
COVID Uncensored: 20-Year Old Imperial "War on Terror" Now Targets 1st World Populations
View it on our new network POGSOF.COM or on Facebook here.
The mass vaccination program -- presently being forced upon 800k U.S. military service members against their will -- is the greatest threat to military readiness in the history of the United States. The corrupted cabal & bamboozled personnel up the chain enforcing this policy will be held accountable.
Watch this video about it:
Senior Officers Speak Out, Hold The Line, STAY THE COURSE 🇺🇸
You can also read Commander Furman’s threat assessment:
Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – A National Security Threat
Further study is needed before committing the Total Force to one irreversible experimental group. Recent reports leave more concern for the COVID-19 vaccinations than the virus itself. (read report)
On POGSOF.COM we posted new videos from well over 100 #NoVaxSoldiers.
Watching all those videos was incredibly inspiring, and heartbreaking at the same time - so many beautiful, healthy, strong, wise & courageous souls.
I hope you can find some time to watch every one of them this weekend.
Stay strong, the fog of war is thicker than ever… we have to keep the peace, defend freedom & restore accountability.
The hour is late!
~ David DeGraw
If you can afford to support our efforts, please do so here before we get our account cut off.
Every dollar seriously helps. The battle against targeted censorship and strategic suppression has been brutal, to say the least.