They Are Enslaving Us (Audio)
We are being enslaved. We know who is doing it and we know how they are doing it. You must proactively defend yourself.
Here’s a new 17-minute voice message...
[watch/listen on Rumble here and on Facebook here]
I will be publishing another written piece ASAP to further flesh out the topics discussed.
I am trying to figure out the best way to articulate everything in a way where the average person will fully comprehend the urgency of the moment and the complexity of the unconventional warfare tactics that have been deployed against us.
Your input, advice and criticism are welcomed and appreciated.
We definitely want to keep informing as many people as possible, but the time I can put into this is minimal.
I can do better and will do better, but I need to strategically justify every minute of my time.
If you are aware enough to fully grasp what we are saying, please support our efforts by sharing this content, pre-ordering a book or donating some money.
If you appreciate our work, please reciprocate in some way…
- David
Pre-order an autographed Limited Edition first-run copy of CONFESSIONS OF A FREEDOM FIGHTER via PayPal here or via Stripe here.
* First-run limited to 500 copies.