The global Private Military Complex is about to launch a war against the people of the
United States.
The fog of war is going to be very thick. They will make it look like we are going to war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, which will have some truth to it, but the war against us will be driven by the global Private Military Complex.
Bottom line, the fascist global elite have partnered with China and corrupted elements at the top of the U.S. chain of command and are launching an all-out war against first world populations and seizing full control of national civilian militaries, and the American people are the #1 target.
Approximately 350,000 of our best U.S. military service members are presently being discharged because they are refusing the “vaccination.”
This obviously means all remaining military personnel are now “vaccinated.”
Over the last few days, approximately 400,000 have just been vaccinated against their will because they could not afford to lose their job and all their benefits.
Here’s a first quick video about it - will release extensive video on it ASAP.
No matter what your opinion is on the so-called “vaccine,” it is clear that this is the biggest attack on the U.S. military in our history, as 350,000 of our best service members are now being discharged.
Across the country SIGNIFICANT PERCENTAGES of police and healthcare workers are now being fired for refusing the “vaccine” as well - will also release extensive video on it ASAP.
The American people’s defenses are being swiftly systematically dismantled right now!!
We have 8 videos that we are finishing up to get out ASAP, which will explain everything to the best of our abilities.
Support our efforts here.
Here’s a new video showing the ongoing first phase of deployment throughout the United States.
Please don’t just click to watch the video and forget to support us if you can afford to. If you have followed my work over the years, you know my history of getting the most critical issues correct before people know what is happening.
Some quick bio highlights…
My career started with investigations into the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which exposed 12 years of the CIA funding wickedly evil covert operations.
I helped Gary Webb with research on his Dark Alliance report exposing how the CIA facilitated the crack epidemic throughout U.S. inner cities.
I reported on the CIA creating and funding al Queda and the events that led up to 9/11.
Before the invasion of Iraq started, I reported on them not having WMDs and all the false intel that was used to justify that war.
I reported on the Abu Graib torture scandal before any mainstream “news” outlets covered it.
In 2006, I worked a documentary on subprime mortgages, Mortgage-Backed Securities and fraudulently triple A rated derivatives that we said would soon blow up the economy.
I then reported extensively on the “bailout” and Federal Reserve operations that looted trillions of dollars. After being consistently hacked and censored online for it, in early 2010 I started the 99% movement and organized people worldwide to Occupy public space.
We even helped create mesh networks throughout Cairo, Egypt to organize Tahrir Square and start a decentralized global uprising. In June of 2011, we strategically choose Zuccotti (Liberty) Park to be the base of operations for the Occupy Wall Street movement and I personally helped start over 30 other occupations throughout the U.S..
Most notably, I’ve been reporting on corruption throughout military spending for 25 years and I played a significant lead role in getting the first ever audit of the Pentagon.
I was also one of the first people to report on Ivermectin-based treatment protocols and led a massive operation to inform doctors worldwide, and I helped facilitate two Senate Homeland Security hearings on COVID treatments.
These are just some of my career highlights.
My main point: there are very few people in this country that can help defend you and your family better than I can!!
I know the battlefield very well.
I am working non-stop and I’ve been fighting a war to save lives since the COVID bio-terror operation began.
It’s a miracle that I am still alive. I’ve endured attacks against me that have destroyed my personal life… and I don’t know how much time I have left.
Please support us here.
~ David DeGraw
I'm sorry I can't see any way out of this logistically. I do not mean to be negarive, but more of a realist. I've know they are privately militarized (Erik Prince and many others I'm sure, including the Christian Military Fellowship --- the religious fascist want their "religious freedom" to turn the USA into a theocracy - I imagine this is why Saudi Wahhabisr MbS is USA's friend ... I'm living off my crdit cards - I appreciate all the work you've done David. I didn'rt know you were part of Occupy ... Please be careful. I'm scared your friend David Graeber may have been a CIA / Deep State hit job while on vacation in Italy (big Pharma has blood clotting drugs that can enter micro darts that go unnoticed - I think this is how journalist Tim Russert & Ed Schultz also died -- they are killing all the messengers/journalists.
i fear, the only way out of this is a Spiritual shift in consciusness --- how? I've no idea.
I myself have ny own story - can't get into details - went to the FBI 2010 to report an underground coordonated serial killings (violence against women) and they sent a SWAT Team to get me & locked me up in a psychiatric hospital for a month. My family believed I was "delusional" ... however the Psychologist said to me when I said "No one believes me; my family, FBI, etc. " ... she responded with "Did it ever occur to you Maureen, they do not want to believe you?" ...
I'd go underground if I were you - (you're married with children ?) - how the hell are we going to fight a million privatized mility who have zero conscience (paid killers) ... It's going to get bad ... real bad. Prayers for you & your family.
Bill Gates conducts all his recent interviews at his think tank (BGC3) located at
Carillon Point building 4000 in Kirkland Washington. The think tank is at the top level. His office is on the west side of the building as well as the TV interview room. As you enter the building on the ground floor, his security detail is on the left, property management is on the right. the elevators have fingerprint scanners. He sometimes arrives in an armored black Cadillac Escelade.