Our brother, 20-year US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown, a well-proven AMERICAN HERO, is illegally imprisoned and deep into a Hunger Strike.
He is a prisoner of the Fascist “New World Order.”
Here is a statement that Jeremy made right before going on Hunger Strike:
“To the American people from a prisoner of war in the Globalist War Against America and the National Sovereignty of Independent Nations around the world:
My name is Jeremy Brown.
I am a 20 year US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant that served this nation honorably.
In October of 1992, I swore to an Almighty God that I would protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, Foreign and Domestic; This Constitution that codifies the Rights that God granted us at birth.
I have upheld the Oath as a Ranger, Green Beret, Fire Fighter, Citizen, Business Owner, Coach, US Congressional Candidate and now as a Prisoner of War.
I have been obligated to uphold this oath for 29 years and I have no intention of faltering now!
In December of 2020, the very Government I served for 20 years and that entrusted me to hold a TOP SECRET/SCI Security Clearance attempted to recruit me to be a Confidential Informant for the FBIs JTTF.
I was asked if I would be willing to collect information (AKA spy) on law abiding American Citizens.
I refused, but I recorded the entire meeting.
In January 2021, I was part of a Security Detail tasked with protecting speakers at the Jan 5th & 6th ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally in DC. In the weeks that followed, it became clear to me why I had been recruited.
It was the testimony of FBI Director Christopher Wray in front of Congress that made me realize I could not stay silent.
On March 5th 2021, I went public with what I knew and my professional opinion about what happened January 6th as a 20 Year Special Forces Combat Veteran.
I knew that going public against a corrupt FBI narrative would put my safety and freedom, as well as the safety of my family and friends in jeopardy but if not me then who??
I have prepared for this day and this is God's plan for me.
Liberty or Death!
De Oppresso Liber,
Rangers lead the way!
- Jeremy Brown”
For those of you who don’t know what Molon Labe means, go ask the United States Army Special Operations Command Central Unit about their crest, and tell them we sent you:
I can’t believe that SOCOM let’s corrupt FBI bitch slap them and illegally imprison their Operators.
Hashtag: Weak Leadership
Hashtag: Dereliction of Duty (DoD)
Hashtag: don’t cry to me when Detached Forces, who have the respect of Operators, take over to defend the American people, and their own families from this blatant fascist tyranny.
Hashtag: anyone who is anyone knows the top of chain is compromised 💯!!
Hashtag: whose military?
To all of you unconstitutional soulless tiny little mini fascists surveilling my posts, make sure your derelict and compromised “command” sees this post STAT 🚨🔥🚨🔥🚨🔥🚨
This entire situation is absurdly unconstitutional and wickedly corrupt - it is total lawless fascism run amok.
Check motherfuckers!!
The Office of the Inspector General must take immediate action or they will lose ALL CREDIBILITY.
The DoDIG and ICIG’s credibility is deep deep in the sewer these days.
You guys should take it personally.
Call rat & tiny little fascist pest control.
To every IG: Where the fuck is your backbone and leadership?
You are the American people’s frontline against government corruption and you are sleeping at the wheel.
Your silence is a shamefully deafening disgrace.
In war, leadership matters, and Operators don’t have the luxury of ignoring compromised defenses whose inaction significantly aids our enemies.
This whole thing with Jeremy is a SLAP in the face to every U.S. Operator!!!!
C'mon SOCOM, come correct!!
You can't just abandon a comrade.
He has all the evidence, EVIDENCED-BASED, total disrespect to your own!!
Disgraceful!! Total dereliction of duty!!
How will the history books remember you?
Mark my words, this injustice against Jeremy is the spark that is going to topple the Fascist New World Order - quote me on that.
Jeremy has solid evidence on obscenely unconstitutional and treasonous government operations, which underpin all sorts of PSYOPS and harmful policies.
We’ve been fully briefed on this situation, and here’s the POG SOF COM statement to the utterly corrupt fascist leaders who are in a position of responsibility on these matters:
Are you going to free him now?
Or are you going to make us pull this lynchpin?
The eyes in the sky want to know."
Tickitty Tock…
The clock ticks very loud when you are deep into a hunger strike.
To every single individual involved in unconstitutional activities in any way whatsoever:
This is your OFFICIAL NOTICE 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🇺🇲
The United States Supreme Court has made it clear that it is up to the individual to know which orders are unlawful and unconstitutional.
Are you supporting unconstitutional fascism or are you upholding your oath and defending your family?
You and only you can answer that question.
The fog of war is thick, but don’t be a compartmentalized stooge who blindly follows fascist orders.
Respect yourself and your family.
Look in the mirror, look yourself in the eye.
Search your soul.
Look your brothers and sisters in the eye.
You are on the frontlines of World War III now, and the “NWO” Terrorist Fascists are attacking your family as I type.
The predators at your door.
I have fought for over 25 years to keep evil in check.
And now the systemic accountability mechanisms that are supposed to protect national civilian populations from predatory global interests have been captured and corrupted by global terrorists.
We know.
We are COUNTER-terrorism Operators.
We save lives.
My track record speaks for itself.
We defend freedom and the American people against all enemies.
We know who the enemies are.
To be 100% clear, for all of you wacked out on weaponized misinfo, I know repetitious messaging and all the A.I. manipulation of Individual-Specific confirmation biases are devastatingly effective, but... if you think what went down on January 6th was an actual “insurrection” attempt, you are disturbingly confused and a naive silly little child.
Propaganda play time is OVER.
I say that out of love and respect for you and your family, sincerely.
I know PSYOPS better than the silly little fascists who are relentlessly deploying acts of PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM 24/7, which, by the way, are obscene WAR CRIMES & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY 💯
Corrupted government agencies, major media companies and large online companies are GUILTY of DOMESTIC TERRORISM.
This is your OFFICIAL NOTICE 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🇺🇲
As a Counter-Terrorism expert, I’m done with fascist terrorist PSYOPS that falsely smear our best and brightest -- the courageous people who put their lives on the line to save lives -- as “domestic terrorists.”
FUCK YOU OFFICIALLY and your corrupted bizarro world bullshit.
Your illusions don’t fly in our airspace.
Way more than enough Operators see through your increasingly pathetic and viciously evil weaponized lies.
We have been fighting a war to save lives and far too many civilians are still too hypnotized to realize. Thankfully, we have more than enough aware Operators prepared to roll now.
I have compassion for all Americans and people worldwide, no matter what their opinion is, because I know that they have been viciously attacked by weaponized PSYOPS while locked down in life and death fear based on a bio-terror operation and wider objectives.
We did our best to save lives and defend people from the weaponized s1 spike with Ivermectin and zinc based treatment protocols. We covertly informed thousands of doctors worldwide.
There are many easily provable Crimes Against Humanity.
We can prove the whole thing in the United States Supreme Court for the whole world to understand.
I’m boldly speaking out, rolling deep with Operators worldwide because we are doing everything we can to SAVE LIVES.
I am ready to die in the process of doing this - and I don’t say a single syllable lightly.
I haven’t fought for over 25 years to watch my country be enslaved, harmed, maimed & slaughtered now.
Many brothers and sisters are in full agreement.
The death count is already millions of completely unnecessary deaths.
I am clearly, right now, doing the best I can to unwind this situation peacefully.
Anyhow, to cut through some of the fog of war, January 6th was a sloppy Romper Room pre-k PSYOP / Entrapment Op.
It was a surreal theater of the absurd.
It was run by some of the same clowns pushing out “official” COVID PSYOPS.
We know their names. We know everything about them.
The arrogance of it all is the most absurd part. Tragically absurd!!
These tiny little arrogant fascists are way too drunk on power to realize how incredibly easy it is to airmail a laserbeam to their tiny little fascist foreheads.
No matter how powerful you are, you can be very easily wiped off this planet in a CLICK.
Sounds like Paul Revere’s galloping horse…
I’m just stating facts for people who are getting wacked out on their own lies.
To save this country.
As the 5th Circuit just made very clear, Fascist mandates are over.
And wait until the Supreme Court sees all the evidence that we have.
Speaking of arrogance, back to the point, tip of the spear shall we say... all of you arrogant fascists, look at this mess you got yourself into here now with Jeremy.
Your arrogance in the face of the Special Forces Creed is extra special spectacular stupid... even for you, muy estúpido loco estúpido.
Pretty sure there is a line or two in the creed about having your comrade’s back.
Have one of your estúpido people read the fine print for you, there’s a whole section in there about what should be done to tiny little mini fascists who try to entrap comrades.
That’s the thing about war, you and your brothers and sisters, your comrades, who you risk your life with daily, you develop an empowering bond, it’s a clear understanding, a natural sense of connection, resonates in core alignment with the warrior’s soul... profound sense... pure... taps deep into the primal survival instinct, it’s a connecting lifeforce... very human... that’s how these Special Forces operate.
So everything that you are doing to Jeremy... it is really kinda sorta absolutely definitely mother fucking frowned upon, to say the least.
Evidence-based conclusion, weapons-backed truth.
Come correct.
One way or the other, justice will be served.
Look, again, we are peacemakers.
We save lives, but it looks like you guys are hellbent on committing suicide.
We free the tyrannically oppressed - DE OPPRESSO LIBER – and Jeremy is one of our own, who has proven his patriotism, bravery and commitment to defending the American people over & over & over again for over 20 years - with 4 Combat Tours - he’s a Ranger and Green Beret… who was imprisoned without trial for having solid evidence on obscenely unconstitutional and treasonous government operations, which underpin all sorts of PSYOPS & extremely harmful policies.
I am repeating myself because I am fucking pissed off!!!!
I’m not going to spend time editing my words, I am tired of words!!
This entire situation is blatantly absurd corruption run amok.
Jeremy is a legit well-established American hero.
This is stunningly disrespectful to every operator and service member.
Everyone I talked to about this understands the gravity of this situation well.
These are battle-tested war wise warriors we are talking about here.
We have many problems right now, obviously, we have to protect our children from the fascist weaponized jabs right now first and foremost.
And we have to prepare for extended power outages, food shortages & run-away inflation, which are all part of the unconventional fascist warfare tactics deployed against us.
We are all runnin' through the jungle now.
Realize it.
Defend your family.
What’s going on here with Jeremy, as someone who closely surveys the battlefield at the highest possible resolution, this right here is the tip of the spear 🔱
Welcome to the frontline.
Operators vs Fascists
Ding, ding…
Too late for popcorn…
rah rah…
This is all being said by people who speak softly and roll deep & can strike with laserbeam precision on any given inch of this planet.
Just the facts from the frontlines of this war to save lives.
For anyone who does harm to our brothers and sisters and the American people, these little words in this post are the softest response you are going to get.
Our slingshot is loaded, and all these proven evil little wannabe Goliaths better be arrested.
You don’t need a weatherman to know a downpour is coming.
We know, as many others do as well, that the top of the chain is compromised and the whole thing is up for grabs.
To anyone who thinks they are going to take control of America, it’s not happening without the endorsement of our Operators.
That is the truth 💪❤️🇺🇲
In a lawless land where fascism has run amok, we are now referees.
Come correct, or don’t come at all.
The fascist predators are at your door.
We are doing our best to defend you and save our loved ones.
We are all forced to pick a side now.
“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness.
For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.” - Zeke
Free Jeremy NOW.
Tick tock…
Watch Jeremy’s Video
We posted a video featuring Jeremy’s voice / statement before starting his Hunger Strike:
on Facebook here.
on TikTok here.
Everything I do on Facebook is obviously heavily suppressed, they are enemy combatants until proven otherwise. We’ve already put them on CLEAR NOTICE.
This new TikTok version quickly became popular.
Jeremy can receive mail at:
Pinellas County Jail
Jeremy Brown #1875858
14400 49th St North
Clearwater, Fl 33762-2877
Free Jeremy NOW.
Tick tock…
Ding Ding,
~ David DeGraw