Victory & Momentum 💪😎🚀
Our crowdsourced doc and National Security statement are creating significant waves up the Chain of Command.
Two quick updates:
Earlier this week, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, whose story we featured and have been supporting since he called for accountability throughout the Chain of Command, has been released from the brig and is back home. He still has a long way to go and will face a court martial trial on October 14 at Camp Lejeune, but his release from brig solitary is a victory.
It shows what we can do with the power of our numbers. Many soldiers, Marines and people throughout the media spoke up in defense of Lt. Col. Scheller. We also had 36 members of Congress sign a letter demanding his release. The battle is far from over, but keep making noise and the truth will eventually prevail as we “take down the corrupt actors throughout the chain in a Constitutional manner.”
Speaking of corruption up the chain, regarding all of our soldiers who spoke out about the reckless Total Force nanotech injection mandate, the CIA’s Washington Post has now gone into damage control mode. Today they published a propaganda article filled with half-truths and misleading info, go figure, but, the fact that they put this out and publicly acknowledged it shows that we are having a significant impact and we are putting them on the defensive.
This is their headline:
“Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near”
The article has so many misleading statements… it’s absurd, it’s not even worth my time to refute all of them. Just watch our video, which features many firsthand personal accounts from the soldiers, if you want to know the reality of the situation, and then read our statement here, if you haven't already.
Obviously, in the grand scheme of things, these are just minor victories, but we’ve barely even begun operations and the most powerful people, our target audience, have taken serious notice and have gone on the defensive.
The imperial "New World Order" cabal was arrogant enough to think that they could just steamroll our soldiers and Special Forces with their weaponized vaxx attack. They have had some success, no doubt, but now they have woken up the lions, and we are just beginning to operationally roar… much more to come…
At the end of the day, when the shit hits the fan, as it most definitely presently is, this is the American people’s military and we are now retaking control of it from the ground up, in a Constitutional manner.
This is not Fauci’s military. It is not Gates’ military. It’s not Fink’s military and it certainly isn’t Schwab’s military… even if their empty suit dementia puppet stole the DNC and White House.
Bottom line, it’s our Constitution and the overwhelming majority of fighters who took the oath will defend it.
By the way, what is going to happen when the Supreme Court overturns the now proven fraudulent election?
Just asking for a friend 🤷♂️
The NWO cabal is now on the ropes and we are in a very dangerous position.
Here are some facts to consider:
1. Even with the draconian mandates, a solid percentage of the fighting-age population is not going to take a proven ineffective and harmful weaponized vax.
2. The overwhelming majority of soldiers and Special Forces are not going to go along with the mandate.
3. Overwhelming evidence of blatant systemic Crimes Against Humanity are becoming more widely-known with each passing day. We will soon be hitting a critical mass tipping point across the U.S. as they try to attack our children now.
Also, 7,800+ doctors and scientists have now signed a declaration accusing COVID policymakers of "Crimes Against Humanity" for “authoritarian” strategies that have resulted in “needless illness and death.”
4. And now states are calling for decertification of election results after forensic audits are showing obscene fraud all over the place. The entire system has become a collapsing shitshow.
The NWO cabal is most likely going to try to provoke World War III as a last ditch effort to avoid accountability and life in prison. Based on every assessment that I’ve seen, I believe that the U.S. is going to be attacked soon, with China as the NWO’s primary proxy, as we outlined in our statement and video.
This is why US Marshals and Special Forces must detain these bastards now before the U.S. goes dark and the imperial private military is unleashed against us. Make no mistake, we have their puppet in the White House and the American people are freedom’s last line of defense.
We have solid momentum now but time is definitely not on our side.
Prepare yourself, be smart, keep the peace, they want chaos to erupt so they can unleash a brutal crackdown against us under the guise of “protecting people.”
All the systemic attacks to destroy our economy and undermine our ability to make a living and obtain basic necessities –- under the guise of “public health” -- are all destabilization tactics 101.
I'll stop here for now... much more to come...
Here are some excerpts from the 4-hour doc that I posted to Facebook:
Here is 25 minutes from the 2nd part, which was the most fun part to make, it features our Special Forces unit known as the Magical Goddesses ✨ ;-)
Here is the 4th part, which is the last 30 minutes of the doc. It features the cargo crisis overwhelming our ports and the threat of a nationwide power outage, which we titled, “Deny Him the Dark”
Here’s a 7-minute clip that features some decorated veterans warning people of the coming attack against us.
And here is our full National Security Alert published to Facebook.
Full 4-hour crowdsourced doc here: U.S. Soldiers Speak Out: "America Is Under Attack, Prepare Yourself Now”
Please Support Our Work
We urgently need money for marketing / outreach and more tech.
If you can afford anything at all, please contribute here.
Much respect & love,
Keep The Peace,
~ David DeGraw