Finding Actionable Common Ground, We Are The 99.99%
Saving Lives, Evolving Society and Overcoming Divide & Conquer PSYOPS
My most recent post to Facebook started to go viral and then Facebook deleted it and banned me for 3 days. Over the past 6 months, I have had many posts heavily suppressed, flagged with completely bogus “fact” checks & deleted by them. There are two things that Facebook does not allow to become viral:
Life-saving information on effective COVID treatments.
Posts that are effective in uniting people with diverse opinions on actionable common ground.
Here is the latest post that they deleted, which is an example of both:
If you don't want to get COVID, take vitamin D & C & Zinc. If you get COVID, take Ivermectin, Zinc & antibiotics. There is ZERO need to inject yourself with toxic adjuvants & nanoparticles. There is also zero need for lockdowns. This virus is NOT a threat to 99.9% of the population. I have personally spoken to many doctors worldwide who have CURED thousands of COVID infected patients.
The COVID Treatment Guidelines Panel is made up of obscenely corrupt Pharma Cartel shills who are clearly guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. They suppress safe, inexpensive & effective treatments to push the surveillance state's "vaccination" agenda and support Big Pharma's incredibly profitable & inhumane sickcare racket.
I have posted many links to REAL science which proves the effectiveness of these treatments & many real world success stories, as opposed to the easily debunked mass produced FAKE science. The CDC, FDA, NIH & HHS are utterly corrupted & captured, like most other government agencies that are designed to protect us from predatory interests.
The biggest disconnect that I hear from talking to people with opinions across the political spectrum is how unaware they are when it comes to how power functions when a state of "national security" is declared.
In a state of national security, the mainstream media, large online companies, corporations in general, hospitals and medical boards are "legally" forced to follow orders. If you do not follow orders, you will have your career ruined.
There have been many courageous doctors who have spoken out and have had or been threatened to have their medical licenses revoked. Doctors who have successfully cured many patients with safe, effective and inexpensive anti-viral medications are targeted and under constant attack because anti-virals make the COVID "vaccine" unnecessary.
It is shockingly disturbing to me how many people that I love & respect are still blindly following propaganda posing as "science." Most people know the government, mainstream media and large social media companies are corrupt, yet they still believe them when it comes to the exaggerated threat of COVID.
I’ve been a student of Psychological Operations for over two decades now. I know how sophisticated they have become. The constant repetitious messaging of the mainstream media is the bass beat and over the top is the machine learned algorithmic manipulation of confirmation biases online. TV, large newspapers, political talk radio, Google, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter form a vast psychological environment, a consciousness concentration camp, which is part of the surveillance state's Full Spectrum Dominance strategy.
Freedom truly requires eternal vigilance because the battlefield is ever-evolving. Evil always exists 1 step ahead of your consciousness.
I know far too many people will dismiss much of this as yet another "conspiracy theory" but I’ve dedicated my life to understanding how global power operates and will answer as many questions as possible. I am not partisan or ideological, with a long track record to back that up. I am just trying to navigate the chaos that is spiraling around us.
Now more than ever we are all in this together. We all want to live in a healthy community that gives our children the opportunity to fulfill their potential. However, the global imperial fascists who are pushing this COVID "vaccination" agenda do not want that. They are trying to tighten their grip on power by capturing us in a system of technocratic control that will dominate every aspect of our lives.
If you or anyone you know has a significant following, I will happily have a public discussion on all these topics. I know many influential people and most are either afraid, not informed enough or too righteous in their beliefs to have a serious debate. It is a truly tragic state of affairs, in so many ways.
When operating in chaos, actionable truth is the guidepost & way through. Getting to actionable truth -- wherever it leads -- has to be our North Star. If you have constructive counter points, I will be completely open & appreciative to hear you out & learn more about them.
We are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis. I believe that we are in World War III, a psychological war. Like our parents and grandparents before us, we are now confronted with the evolution of fascism, technocratic fascism. We must urgently find actionable common ground to defend our families.
I believe that we are quickly running out of time to solve our problems in a peaceful way. Please prove me wrong. If you have a piece of the puzzle, if you are aware of something I am missing, let's hear it.
Ultimately, in wider context, the paradigm shift that has recently occurred empowers people to be self-sufficient for basic necessities on a micro-community level, which makes large corrupted centralized systems no longer necessary.
The old paradigm centralizes & consolidates wealth & resources into fewer and fewer hands, which makes the masses dependent on large centralized systems for the basic necessities of life for ever-increasing debt. The new paradigm decentralizes & empowers people to be independent of these systems.
The primary distinction between the two paradigms can be summed up in the wisdom that says, “It is better to teach someone to fish, than to give them fish.” The old paradigm hoards all the fish to make you dependent. The new paradigm empowers you to fish more effectively & efficiently than ever - that is why large imperial powers are desperately trying to entrap us in this dystopian COVID nightmare. It is classic imperial overreach, which occurs when an endangered oligarchy is in a collapse phase.
Ahhhh... I'm riffing too long here for short social media attention spans… bottom line, in my opinion, we urgently need independent self-sufficient communities. We can't participate in this vaccination-driven societal control agenda any longer.
Again, definitely open to constructive criticism. I don't care if you are liberal, conservative, independent, whatever… my friends list is a madhouse of disturbing diversity... let's transcend propaganda & groupthink to find actionable common ground & rally together.
Love & respect to all,
✌️& ❤️
A few hours after posting this, many comments began to flood in. Skeptical people were giving respectful constructive criticism and asking many vital questions. The dialogue was very inspiring. We were sharing quality source links & information. There were diehard Trump haters agreeing with hardcore Trump lovers. It was an all too rare & beautifully unifying discussion!!
Then, suddenly, I got a notification that the post was deleted because it was against “community standards” and I was banned for 3 days.
I was previously banned and had posts deleted when I shared life-saving information on Ivermectin treatment protocols that have cured hundreds of thousands of COVID-infected people worldwide. I get powerfully loving & heartfelt messages from people that gave this information to their doctors, family and friends who - after taking Ivermectin based treatments - experienced quick recoveries.
It is horrifyingly shocking that this information is censored & that the COVID Treatment Guidelines Panel proactively suppresses life-saving medicines. It is a Crime Against Humanity!!
Over the past year, I have said this over & over: Evil has become so evil that people can’t even comprehend how evil it is. People are too good-hearted & naive to comprehend the evil we are confronted by.
For a deep dive into some of the research I’ve done on COVID treatments and PSYOPS, please read this extensive report.
Again, if you have a piece of the puzzle, if you are aware of something I am missing, let's hear it. I am definitely open to constructive criticism. I don't care if you are liberal, conservative, independent, whatever… my friends list is a madhouse of disturbing diversity... let's transcend propaganda & groupthink to find actionable common ground & rally together.
We Are Still The 99% ✊️
I am working with a small group of people who are volunteering their time to help investigate & publish the most vital info on these quickly unfolding issues. To be blunt, it has been an absolute battle and I have taken on far too much personal debt to get this far. We need your support to continue reporting.
Please consider donating here.
Every dollar seriously helps.
Much Gratitude & Love to All,
~ David DeGraw
David, really good analysis. I will share. Actions: #1 Art- organize multiple city zombie flash mobs on same day. people wearing full body white overalls, full facemasks and handcuffs. Walking head down in lockstep. Covid propaganda being broadcast over speakers, all the catch phrases. Like in Bern, Germany, and many German cities. #2. On the first Earth Day, Toronto residents woke up to white chalk painted outlines of bodies sprawled on every sidewalk downtown. I was riding the streetcar staring at all the " bodies". It was sobering, shocking and brought the reality of pollution home in a visceral way. It could be a adjuted to covid. Paint the true numbers of deaths vs. Population on sidewalks. Eg Today 25 people in Ontario dies, population 14,500,000. / Paint your chart of who will flatten this curve. / Paint the names of covid cures (5 that I know of including high dose Intravenous Vitamin-C, MATH +, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroqine at low dose in early intervention etc. ) and the question, "Mr Premier there are cures for covid. why have you not mandated cures in every hospital? Why are you letting people die needlessly? There are covid prevention protocols, why are you not spreading that information widely like in U.K and Phillipines? Why are you locking us up when there are cures for covid?" "Show us the numbers of deaths for the under 70 age group. Justify your lockup with statistics." Vaccine ingredients. "Moderna says their vaccine has 21% severe adverse reactions.That's 1 out of 5 people you know or love, vaccine injured." It could be one message like Earth day or multiple. World Doctor Alliance quotes. Number of doctors who signed Great Barrington Declaration or other declarations. Quotes by Robert F Kennedy Jr. who states the CDC, is a vaccine company, they own 26 vaccine patents and make 4 + billion dollars from them. Canadian Constitution forbids mandatory vaccination quote on Vaccine Choice website somewhere. I can provide soures for these statements just contact me.
Krystal Rose and Dr. Z.