You have probably seen this meme already. I am posting it to commemorate the victory. When I first saw it after yet another major court victory against the unscientific, unconstitutional & harmful mandates, I will admit that I teared up a bit.
Since this pandemic began, we have been fighting hard to save as many lives as possible. We have saved many lives, but well over 2 million people have died unnecessary deaths thus far, and that weighs heavy on my soul... and millions more have been harmed, and will continue to suffer as many more die unnecessarily.
With their latest efforts to attack & harm our children, the feeling of imminent war has been incredibly intense, to say the least.
With these last few major court victories, we have definitely slowed their offensive, and now even the Senate has voted to stop the mandates, although fascist global terrorist bitch boy Biden will obviously veto it.
We still obviously have much work to do. The next few months are high risk. We have the globalist fascists are the ropes and cornered, but there is no telling what they will try to do next in a last-ditch effort to avoid the inevitable Nuremberg 2.0 and the coming Crimes Against Humanity prosecutions.
They are obviously trying to ignite a war in Ukraine and Taiwan, and you know “Biden” will do everything he can to make that happen. Fortunately, the “Biden” admin is a paper tiger in a Potemkin village and the overwhelming majority of intel & military is strongly against him and the compromised top of the chain.
We are in the danger zone w/ these endangered desperate globalists… but… let’s just take a little time out to admire this beautiful map of our home here.
We, and when I say we, I mean all of us, most of you, the suppressed few who will actually see this post… YOU... have been working hard to fight back, to save lives, by sending out ripples of truth… meme by meme… post by post… through this highly corrupted & censored social site and all over the internet.
Look at this fucking map!! We all did that!!
Through all the trillions of dollars in power deployed against us… through the PSYOPS & censorship… through the criticism and personal attacks… through the lost family and friendships…
YOU all stood strong & held the line!!
We still have far to go… but we have turned the tide of the wicked evil tsunami that has been unleashed against us.
All things COVID have been strategically designed to weaken us, isolate us & to break our spirit.
YOU rose up above it all like a real-life legit warrior.
Cheers to you brothers & sisters!!
Much gratitude, love & respect.
[posted to Facebook here]
Progressives Are Finally Waking Up
The damn is breaking... old progressive friends are beginning to realize a few vital things. Here are the 5 main things liberal-minded friends have been talking to me about recently:
Many of the “news” outlets that “liberal” friends get their info / opinion from are run by the CIA. This new article is only the tiny tip of the iceberg:
Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.
COVID is a CIA-led operation and the so-called “vaccine” is actually a weaponized mRNA nanotech injection that reprograms your DNA and hacks your immune system. Read the DARPA-CIA-NIH shell company Moderna’s website to learn the basics on what they call their “the software of life:”
Also watch this interview that I posted in July of 2020 of Whitney Webb going over the basics: Bill Gates Partners w/ DARPA For New DNA Nano-Tech COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’
Fauci is a wicked evil fascist who is responsible for many Crimes Against Humanity, including murdering gays during the “AIDS” crisis with AZT, and hundreds of thousands of Americans during COVID with Remdesivir and the suppression of well-proven life-saving, inexpensive, widely-available treatments:
“Dr. Fauci copied the choreographed script for winning remdesivir’s [Emergency Use Authorization] from the worn rabbit-eared playbook he developed during his early AIDS years, and then used repeatedly across his career to win approvals for deadly and ineffective drugs.
Time and again, he has terminated clinical trials of his sweetheart drugs the moment they begin to reveal cataclysmic toxicity. He makes the absurd claim that his drug-du-jour had proven so miraculously effective that it would be unethical to deny it to the public, and then he strong-arms FDA to grant his approvals.” [read full article]
As I’ve been saying for a long time, Robert Kennedy Jr. is the most courageous progressive leader on the planet. The fact that the CIA and Big Pharma have smeared him in the “liberal” media and bamboozled progressives into turning on him and supporting fascist terrorists like Biden is utterly absurd.
Perhaps the most important thing progressives are waking up to is how Facebook, major social media outlets and Google are also guilty of Crimes Against Humanity for strategically censoring verifiable science, evidence-based life-saving info that stands up strong in court, top medical experts, many doctors and journalists who have been courageously fighting to save lives.
Tragically Bamboozled Formerly “Radical” Musicians
They must be reading CIA-Rolling Stone propaganda…
Despite all the progressive breakthroughs, this was a brutal update from 2 days ago:
Rrrrrrrrrr... I had a frustrating & heartbreaking convo this morning!!
Some famous music artists who I personally know, love & have worked w/ or collaborated with on various projects have agreed to do shows where people attending are required to be injected.
I can’t express how heartbreakingly disappointing that is.
So many famous, previously aware & radical artists have been targeted by PSYOPS & various surveillance tactics that have very successfully manipulated their thoughts / confirmation biases into going along with this wicked evil fascist agenda.
A solid 50% of highly influential longtime friends, clients & allies have been temporarily lost over all this. Some have woke up recently & obviously all will soon enough, but it has been a tragic 21 months for many longterm relationships.
I look forward to the day that all of this is behind us. I really don’t fault these targeted individuals, the PSYOPS & tactics are way too insidious & powerful... never underestimate how powerful the surveillance fascists are, in many insidious ways, especially when they know you have much influence on culture / society & politics...
Such wicked evil weapons & tactics 🤬
[posted to Facebook here]
Get Tactical Training From Elite Operators
Since we posted the POG SOF COM callout, we have been besieged by responses. Many people are asking about training and gear.
We do not have any official “partnerships” or “affiliates” yet, but you really need to be careful who you are getting advice and training from. There are a bunch of popular people giving all sorts of half-baked advice. If you are serious and want guidance from the most elite operators, who have unparalleled real-world experience, these are the mofos you are looking for…
GBRS GROUP is a veteran-owned, Tier 1 training and services organization relentlessly committed to passing on critical skills and real-world experiences to end-users in military, federal, state and local Special Operations Units.
We strongly believe there is an ever increasing threshold of training excellence that only real world experience and learnings can provide. We care deeply about the lives of today’s end users and are dedicated heart and soul to helping them shorten the timeline to perform on demand at the highest level.
GBRS GROUP is unique as our founding instructor cadre is composed exclusively of Special Mission Unit veterans and our extended instructor network is selected from retired Special Mission Unit operators from across the service branches.
We are obsessively committed to maintaining the highest standards of training excellence and our founders collectively possess more than 34 years of Special Operations experience.
Cole grew up in Hampton Roads, Virginia and after graduation enlisted into the military in 2003. He spent 17 years in Naval Special Warfare and was medically retired due to injuries sustained from his intense deployment schedule.
Since his retirement he has channeled his focus continuously into the NSW community, helping veterans who are in transition, Gold Star families, and the community at large.
As a husband and father of four he understands first hand the grief, challenges, loss and sacrifice that many SOF veterans and their families experience.
DJ, the son of two Navy parents grew up just outside of Virginia Beach. At 17 he graduated high school and joined the Navy where he served within the ranks of Naval Special Warfare for 17 years.
He served at Seal Team 10 and Naval Special Warfare Development Group. He was medically retired in 2019 due to injuries sustained in combat and training.
He is the proud father of two daughters and has been married for 15 years. He is the co-founder of Tribe SK8Z lifestyle apparel brand and is a co-founder and Chief Training Officer of GBRS Group.
Chris grew up in an Air Force family and spent most of his time in his hometown of Monterey, California. After 9-11 he left college to join the navy where he served 12 years in Naval Special Warfare.
After serving at Seal Team 10 and Naval Special Warfare Development Group on multiple battlefields, Chris separated from the Navy to enjoy life with his wife and two sons and find peace.
He enjoys living in beautiful Virginia Beach, supporting our NSW community, and working as a GBRS Cadre and Long-Range subject matter expert.
[posted to Facebook here]
GBRS Group Links
Check out their website here.
Their new YouTube channel here.
Watch this intense 4-hour interview with DJ Shipley:
Shawn Ryan Show #015 SEAL Team 6 / DEVGRU Operator DJ Shipley
This episode of The Shawn Ryan Show I sit down with former SEAL TEAM 6/DEVGRU Operator DJ Shipley. Shipley has 17 years serving the United States at the highest level as a Navy SEAL Tier 1 operator. He joined the Navy at the age of 17 worked his way into the SEAL Teams and eventually to Development Group. Shipley gives us the most descriptive and detailed first hand combat account interview I have ever done. His service goes unmatched. (watch video here)
We also created a 5-minute video mix featuring some of their tactical training. [watch it here]
I feature their videos in my Facebook stories often… and they are featured in a bunch of POG SOF COM videos.
Alright, that’s it for today…
If you read this far and haven’t donated yet, please help us out while we have a funder who is willing to DOUBLE all donations.
We need to maximize this opportunity, so if you can afford it, please donate here.
Much love & respect to all,
~ David DeGraw
We are now starting groups in all 50 states to support & defend people who are not complying with unscientific, unconstitutional & harmful mandates!
For more info, email your city & state to
Spread The Word »
Please forward this email to anyone you know who may want to be involved.
Wow I sure hope some progressives are waking up. Like all my ex-friends.