First off, thank you to everyone who responded to the last email. Very inspiring & heart warming to receive so many passionate responses! Haven’t replied to most yet, will spend more time on them this weekend.
The last email was so long that many of them got bounced to spam. You can read the full long version here.
For you super busy short on time types, here’s a “Greatest Hits” version w/ the most cited quotes. Funny how it is often the weirder off the cuff comments that resonate most.
Speaking of that, let’s kick things off w/ art from @ugonzo_art that features several quotes:
Here’s a high res version of that pic.
If you need some weekend music to get things going, people loved the Castaway King song from last email. I’m going to try to include music as often as possible. Here’s a new Pink Floyd remix ~ We Don’t Need No Thought Control
Quantum Politics Remix
Evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson summed a key point:
“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.
The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.”
Navigating the media maelstrom is no joke. With that awareness, I’ve become an info DJ… intel sampling, wisdom mash-ups, knowledge remixes, spinning it one step further…
Look, I just want to be a transparent flowing connection to the universal unfolding here…
For over two decades, my goal has been to get the deepest possible understanding of the universal unfolding, and of our place in it, then to positively affect it.
The mission is to accurately articulate what is presently unfolding, as concisely as possible, in a way that a large number of people can understand it, so we can then apply those insights and get life-enhancing results.
It takes eternal vigilance to scale multidisciplinary mountains, to get up on that ever-evolving wave and ride the cutting-edge of emergent, viable truth in search of useful, actionable wisdom.
When you can articulate sense out of chaos, when you can extract deeper truth and translate deeper meaning back to people, in a way that helps people understand their own life experience, gives them a deeper awareness of their own reality and empowers them, that is where the action is at – that is OUR MISSION here.
I’ve mapped out “a post-partisan GPS to help you navigate the power dynamics that swirl around us,” and developed “a groundbreaking conceptual framework” that I am calling the “Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy.”
The basic idea: “Once we get an in-depth understanding of the fundamental power dynamics at play around us, we can then develop, hone and apply our own unique skills, in our own chosen way, to overcome the present crisis.”
When you can see the light, when you know that people’s quality of life can be significantly improved, but vividly see how the overwhelming majority of humanity is being propagandized into oppressive, self-destructive behavior and wide-scale destruction, it gets real hard to sleep at night.
The big question: How many people will unnecessarily suffer and die before existing solutions can hit a critical mass tipping point?
On the precipice of the abyss, an evolutionary leap is required.
Fear not, the abyss is only the end for those who are afraid to test their inner depths. It’s a call to adventure. It’s a legit archetypal mythical Hero’s Journey….
In many crucial ways, the Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy (ODH) is the systemic manifestation of our collective shadow, driven by the overstimulation of the fear-based ego and scarcity-based mindset.
At the core, pathological shortsighted greed is a severe human disease, a virus of the mind, which I feel is a curable latent evolutionary process that is slow to evolve and adapt to a quickly changing environment, primarily because we have an outdated incentive structure that is rewarding destructive behavior….
The need to expose our collective shadow to light and shed the skin of the Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy is a major focus throughout the book.
It all sounds dark, depressing and heavy, and it is… at first, at least. However, as Carl Jung makes clear, “The shadow, when it is realized, is the source of renewal….”
Once we expose the collective shadow to light, many evolutionary paths unfold. It seriously becomes a “choose your own solution adventure.” New frontiers, new paradigms open up before you… and that’s where “self-actualizing in service to the greater good & having fun in the process” becomes real contagious....
The human brain is wired to “look forward through the rearview mirror,” as Marshall McLuhan put it. The brain predicts the future based upon past experience, which leads to a latent dysfunction / slow recognition of the paradigm shift in technological advancement that has already unfolded.
People vastly underestimate what is possible with modern technology.
On top of this inherent biological predisposition, we are trapped in a highly divisive and toxic hypnotic trance of repetitious groupthink by an all-pervasive mass media propaganda system that powerful forces have embedded us in.
The gap between reality and what is presented in the mainstream media has always been disturbing but now it is significantly inhibiting our ability to evolve and is a major threat to our overall wellbeing.
I breakdown how we are now in “the fourth industrial revolution” but we are still trapped in an incredibly outdated “Industrialism 1.0” operating system.
Innovations that empower people to be independent from large centralized systems are effectively suppressed and co-opted.
We have incredible technological capabilities that are not being effectively deployed because they don’t serve the business model and profit margins of the most powerful global corporations and the interests of the Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy (ODH).
A point that becomes clear over and over again:
Humanity is no longer the king of the jungle.
We have unwittingly given up our throne to a two-headed Goliath. The national security state in partnership with the most powerful global corporations have become a global self-perpetuating, imperialistic, centralizing force.
Any system of human interactions evolves into a living organism in and of itself, which, as complex systems theory demonstrates, takes on a life of its own and develops its own survival mechanisms. This is a highly under-appreciated point.
The ODH rewards and puts into positions of power people who pathologically adhere to its established operating system / incentive structures….
This ODH has developed “antibodies” that can effectively payoff, bribe, blackmail, or suppress anyone who doesn’t serve its agenda.
To be clear, this system is now so outdated that it has fundamentally become “ANTI-HUMANITY.”
We have system that once served humanity well, and was built for a previous paradigm, but now is obsolete and does much more to limit human potential than enhance it.
Our current crisis must be understood in this context if we are going to avoid widespread, catastrophic collapse….
Focusing on positives and ‘building new models that make the existing models obsolete’ is a great and necessary first step, which many people have taken, but once you are effective at making the entrenched power structure obsolete in any way, the ODH is going to come after you and will try to undermine you in many different ways.
Most of the time, as I lay out clear examples, the ODH ends up buying you off. Any time there’s a new billionaire, you can bet big that their company, which became popular because it was empowering people, will incrementally shift into an oppressive force - Facebook, Google and Amazon are all obvious recent examples of that.
Here’s a very important fundamental power dynamic:
Once something empowering comes along that large numbers of people rely upon and put their trust and faith into, power-addicted forces will incrementally co-opt it over time.
The system, institution, entity or way of living that once served and empowered people will become increasingly oppressive over time.
The mainstream media and both political parties are also obvious current examples of this, and now the large online media companies have devolved in the same way.
If you look at the history of civilization, there is a clear pattern that develops called the Iron Law of Oligarchy, which says that “all complex organizations, regardless of how democratic they are when started, eventually develop into oligarchies.”
Whether it is a socialist, communist or capitalist society, whatever the ruling ideology may be, it eventually devolves into oligarchy.
“The relative structural fluidity in a small-scale democracy succumbs to ‘social viscosity’ in a large-scale organization. According to the ‘iron law,’ democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible.”
There is an even deeper dynamic…
What freed you in the past, imprisons you today.
What frees you today will imprison you in the future.
This is why Thomas Jefferson came to realize that “Every generation needs its own revolution.”
It’s an ever-evolving battle, that’s why eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
Ha, I cannot say “eternal vigilance” enough these days.
Civilization moves in cycles but they are constantly complexifying in Fibonacci spiraling oscillations between polar opposites - expansion and contraction, decentralization and centralization, freedom and tyranny, good and evil, evolution and destruction….
It is what is known as the “pulse beat of civilization,” which is the spread of wealth and prosperity to large numbers of people, that makes the civilization grow larger and larger, as complacency emerges, predatory forces began to concentrate wealth, increasing exploitation and corruption then leads to societal upheaval and collapse.
The historians Will and Ariel Durant have many very valuable and timely insights into the rise and fall of civilizations. I build off their volumes of work and their epically brilliant book, The Lessons of History, and apply them to our present situation.
Here’s a concise quote from that book, summing up our present crisis:
"The relative equality of Americans… has been overwhelmed by a thousand forms of physical, mental, and economic differentiation, so that the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest is now greater than at any time since Imperial plutocratic Rome."
An in-depth exploration into economic corruption and military spending reveals that global corporations and nation-states have moved negative consequences off the books.
The methodologies behind economic and government statistics have been significantly tweaked many times and falsified to distort reality.
Real News Bulletin: “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
Using indicators like the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a key measure of progress shows you how absurdly shortsighted, corrupt and outdated the system is.
The stock market and GDP have decoupled from reality and become inverse correlations to human survival….
Trillions in free money and all sorts of corrupt crony shenanigans drove the rigged market to all-time highs, with no correlation to reality. High Frequency looting, quantitative plunder, ZIRP, we’ve got some crack for you primary dealers, go buy up everything you can, and bury the world in debt for a 20% or higher clip, the profit is all yours.
Oh, and don’t worry about the accounting games and that notional quadrillion dollars or so in shadow banking. It’s all on the up & up, triple-A-rated, nothing to worry about.
Anything goes wrong, we’ll send in the Pentagon accountants to make it disappear…. Abracadabra FASAB 56 style.
We don’t have anything close to “free market capitalism.” It’s straight up Banana Republic Oligarchic rule. Go for a real deep dive and you’ll see that it is all about “unconventional warfare.”
It’s a matter of “national security.”
Shh… the emperor has no clothes.
National Security State Capitalism, aka neo-feudal fascism under a two-party facade.
If you keep your mouth shut, we’ll print you some money too.
After all, whose side are you on?...
The top of the power pyramid is a clusterfuck of factions within factions vying for power while stepping all over each other. Trying to rule the world is a shortsighted fool’s errand.
As I kept getting deeper and deeper into military spending and systemic corruption, it became clear: when it comes to the root inner workings of how power operates, partisanship and ideological divides quickly fade away.
As I lay out in detail, “The most important divide right now is between those who are in on the corruption and those who are not; and 99.99% of the population is not in on it.”
None of this is rocket science. Core systemic governmental and economic accountability mechanisms have become outdated and corrupted. If we close blatant accountability loopholes that shield people from the negative consequences of their actions, we will make significant progress.
At this point, focusing on any one political party, ideology, organization, corporation, group, demographic or person is not going to solve our problems, and will only prolong them.
Our society is treating politics and economics the same way that the Big Pharma for-profit sickcare prescription addiction racket treats people with health issues. It’s all about masking symptoms to keep a long-term revenue stream flowing, not curing the underlying issue….
I personally feel that liberals and conservatives need each other and balance each other out, and I’m all for people debating liberal vs conservative policies, that’s what you do in a healthy and functioning society. However, at this point in the breakdown of the core functioning of the system, we will make more progress in one year of systems analysis than we will in 100 years of partisan critiques.
The fact that I have to say that hurts my brain…
We are like a bunch of angry people on a bus with a broken engine fighting over who we think the bus driver should be. It doesn’t matter who is driving the bus, the engine is broken.
We are at a point where global imperialism is eating itself. In the past, nation states and global corporations could exploit foreign nations and the negative consequences of their actions were limited to far off lands.
The accountability feedback loop was cut off and the negative consequences of imperial exploitation, such as poverty, inequality, pollution, psychological trauma, family destabilization, violence and societal upheaval were largely confined to foreign shores in more significant ways than they are now.
After plundering the “third world” and “developing world,” the forces of imperialism became so powerful and global in nature -- they reached a point where they really don’t need to have any loyalty to any one nation anymore -- they can now fully exploit first world nations as well. The imperial virus has now spread through Europe and the United States.
It is an easily proven fact, based on extensive multivariate analysis, that both political parties serve the “global elite” at the expense of taxpaying citizens.
There are many examples, to sum it up: the all-out plundering of tax dollars and resources throughout the U.S. has been stunning!
The fact that this all-out plunder is unfolding without much awareness or push back shows you how propagandized we are.
We vastly underestimate how psychologically conditioned we are.
Mass Transformation Via Self-Actualization
We don’t need to keep feeding the disease…
Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, we now have the ability to evolve and thrive in small, independent, self-sufficient, sustainable, decentralized micro-communities, which are in alignment and synergy with the environment.
The new paradigm gives us the capabilities to create enlightened ecosystems that empower self-actualization.
That all may sound like utopian razzmatazz, but we now have everything we need for a thriving Do It Yourself decentralized uprising that can unfold in empowering feedback loops.
We don’t need to rely on large centralized systems anymore; laying out this fundamental paradigm shift is the move that I’m making here.
We live between two paradigms, as one is collapsing, the other is rising up. We are in a collapse and rebirth phase, a transitory stage, a metamorphosis is well underway.
We are witnessing the twisted and deranged birth pangs of a new paradigm.
I’ve been on such a powerful ride.
One minute I’m interacting with conservative economists and political strategists, then liberal artists and musicians, then spiritual leaders, from religious leaders to shamans, then theoretic physicists, then cognitive scientists and psychologists, social scientists, philosophical academic types, then military and Intelligence Community members, then peace activists.
I feel like I’m being beamed from one planet to the next. The diversity of viewpoints, on the surface at least, at first, can be highly disorienting. It’s a topsy-turvy surreal world, riding the ever-evolving cutting-edge of emergent viable truth in a quest for life-enhancing actionable wisdom.
Do you have any? What do you got? The hour is late, let’s get on with it…
Quantum physics is revealing in so many ways… the deeper you get, the weirder and more surreal it gets, sort of like this email. The same thing is true for military spending, as I can’t seem to say enough: the more you look into military spending, the crazier it gets.
Reality is much stranger than fiction.
Real news is way more surreal than fake news.
The surreal and absurd realities of this world have conspired to turn truth tellers into gonzo journalists.
Big picture-wise, where I am at right now is awesome, I seriously do feel incredibly blessed and fortunate … BUT … I feel such a tremendous responsibility to get this right… to distill the most vital aspects into one 350ish page book, and to get it done as quickly as possible.
This is where I am at in the process…
“The slow and painful transformation of a passionate and narrowly egotistical being into a man who gives himself over wholly to a great work that devours him, destroys him, lives in his blood, is a trial every creative being must endure.” ~ Józef Czapski
I’m feeling intense pressure and tearing my mind into pieces trying to finish it. Perhaps I’ve traveled too far and gone too deep. I’ve got a huge backpack full of gold; I’m drowning in abundance and need to make it back to the shore.
My passionate curiosity took me further into the heart of the mystery than I ever imagined possible.
It really is an archetypal mythical Hero’s Journey...
I’ve walked many miles into the valley of the shadow of death.
I’ve gone deep into the cave that people fear to enter.
I’ve got the elixir... and now I need to make it back home.
Obstacles and adversity do indeed fuel your potential. If you have an unbreakable will, you will eventually experience a breakthrough.
Perhaps too many breakthroughs in quick succession… exponential style…
We know that we don’t know… as the paradoxical nature of it all begins to reveal itself… Alas, there are hidden variables as far the eye cannot see…
I know that I do not know “the way.” There is no “one way.” There are many ways, as far as I can see. We all have our own unique way.
My focus is on mapping out the terrain to help YOU find YOUR WAY.
It’s time for a higher resolution reality, higher definition.
My freedom is your freedom.
Your freedom is my freedom.
Smells like teen spirit, Nirvana, rolling Bodhisattva style…
Evolutionary game theory favors altruistic strategies over the long run. We’ve done the math, not to mention all the empirical style evidence. The shortsighted extortionist paradigm is collapsing, yet again…
The defections have already begun… tick, tick, tipping point…
Shades of Piaget as the “equilibrated state” swings back… those “enforcement costs” will get you every time…
Down goes Goliath…
Let’s do our best to minimize the damage as the old “too big to fail” tyrant flails and hits the floor… like a dinosaur in the days after the meteor hit… tsunami incoming…
E=MC2, defect & multiply…
Long-term greed aligns with the greater good, people…
Let’s get the mass transformation underway and drop some quantum source code…
ψ Φ We are all entangled wave~particles living in mutualistic symbiosis.
∴ The more you empower others, the more empowered you become.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
“What you do to the web of life, you do to yourself.”
“What injures the hive injures the bee.”
“The reciprocity principle.”
“As above, so below.”
“The golden rule.”
What more do you want? It’s the golden rule!
The goal is to transcend cultural conditioning, align with your authentic self, discover your unique purpose and self-actualize in service to the greater good.
Something like that… that is what the source code reveals.
I don’t want to reveal too much just yet, without proper context.
If you made it this far, your attention span is at an all too rare elite level.
The technocratic A.I. algo bot thought police haven’t eroded your attentional and critical thinking skills yet. You are clearly tapped in. You must have a Black Belt in reality.
This email list is going to be my primary publishing platform.
If you subscribe at the annual rate, I will send you a 1st Run Limited Edition version of the book as soon as it is released. There will only be 500 copies printed of the collector’s version.
If you subscribe on a monthly basis, I will send you a 2nd run edition. Word on the street is that there will be approximately 10,000 copies printed of that version.
You can consider this a CALL TO ADVENTURE.
Let’s Serve the Greater Good & Have Fun in the Process!!
~ David DeGraw
Please reply to this email with your initial comments. Your input is needed and greatly appreciated. Let’s get that empowering feedback loop going.