Re: 💪🇺🇸 Freedom Fighters Unite
Ahhh… we’ve been hit by a tsunami of emails responding to yesterday’s call out!!
Inspiring & overwhelming… we will get back to all of you ASAP.
We have a funder who is doubling all donations. If you can afford to help, please donate here.
Is anyone aware of an in-depth analysis of vaccination rates?
The “official” numbers have to be dramatically inflated. So many people are ready for war against these fascist mandates, and all these “vaccinated only” places are ghost towns. They must be inflating the numbers to dupe people into running with the herd / pluralistic ignorance.
Reminds me of an old quote on propaganda:
“An individual may be moved to action through repetition, as, for example, in advertising; but his action is made more certain if he is made to realize that thousands, even millions, of others are thinking and feeling as he himself does. Herein lies the importance of the contemporary communication network; it not only carries its symbols to the individual, it also impresses upon him a sense of numbers.”
- Malcolm M. Willey
That was a quote I featured in my 2006 book, The Art of Mental Warfare: Deconstructing the Technocratic Complex. Good luck finding a copy of it, it was heavily censored and caused all sorts of problems for me.
Save Your Soul
Partisanship is the root of all brain damage. I’ve been fighting the same covert fascists for 25 years & my support base dramatically shifts based upon which party is in the White House.
People are playing left v right checkers while the covert fascists are playing Full Spectrum Dominance. Check yourself before you inject yourself w/ fascist imperial nanotech!!
How many shots does it take to create a weak docile soulless slave?
That’s what they are trying to figure out right now. There are many variables based on the individual and what exactly is in the shot that your lottery ticket delivers, but it appears 4 is the evil wicked magic #.
Exit the experiment!!
Save Your Soul 🙏❤️
Are you feeling alone & disconnected?
Watch this girl pour her heart out in this 3 minute video. It is not something I would normally post, but I did and the comments were deeply heartfelt.
This post is starting to take off…
COVID is a CIA-Led Operation in Partnership with Global Intel Agencies, Political Leaders, China’s CCP, Fortune 100 Board Members and the World Economic Forum
Thank you to everyone who has been sharing it.
We waited to mention the covert fascist faction of the CIA because we wanted to make sure that we had strong support throughout the Intel Community and military first.
It is obvious that everything that is happening now wouldn’t be happening if the top of the National Security state wasn’t tragically compromised. Many high-level people are fleeing the sinking “New World Order” ship.
At this point, everyone knows that the covert fascist faction of the “deep state” and the Biden Administration are paper tigers in a Potemkin Village, destined to fall in at first storm.
Speaking of storms… as we sent out yesterday…
We are now starting groups in all 50 states to support & defend people who are not complying with unscientific, unconstitutional & harmful mandates!
For more info, email your city & state to
Spread The Word »
Please forward this email to anyone you know who may want to be involved.
Support Our Work
We have a funder who is doubling all donations.
If you can afford to help, please donate here.
Enjoy your weekend, no rest for those fighting the wicked,
~ David DeGraw