Someone/thing is now deleting people from our new social network.
Techno-Fascism is no joke!! I'm suffocated on social media & constantly hacked. The graphic above is making light of a really dark situation over here.
I'm seriously living in digital chains.
While I still have some people’s attention, here are PDFs of the 3 extensive reports that I wrote on military spending, which has led to multiple hack attacks and this latest escalation / crackdown on me.
Get them while you can…
Global War Profiteers Vs. The People of the United States
10 Mind-Blowing Pentagon Audit Reports All Americans Need to Know
Pentagon: 95,613 Whistleblower Complaints, Trillions of Tax Dollars Unaccounted For
Under normal circumstances, it would have been relatively easy for me to raise the $5k that we need to kick the social network into gear. However, the number of people I can reach now has been significantly reduced, and we have only raised $1k.
I truly appreciate every dollar of that $1k, this email probably wouldn’t be happening right now if it wasn’t for that… still doing what I can to keep fighting, but honestly, things are not looking good at all over here.
Without getting too deep into all the personal upheaval that goes along with all of this… I’ll just say that this looks like the end of my journalism career / consciousness raising efforts.
If you can afford to throw a lifeline to someone who will most likely drown anyhow, please do so here.
How’s that for the worst fundraising appeal ever?
I don’t know what to say or do at this point…
Here’s part of a new post on Facebook -- which barely anyone will see -- giving a brief recap of my decade-long battle against censorship and riffing on the present state of politics & propaganda…
I've been battling online censorship ever since 2009, when my economic reports on trillions of dollars in fraud on Wall St were consistently getting over 1 million page views per report.
In early 2010, I became so frustrated by the online censorship that I started the 99% Movement and began organizing people globally to Occupy Wall Street. I've been constantly hacked & increasingly censored ever since.
I am at a point now where I can no longer continue reporting.
I know there are other people who are facing censorship & suppression as well... the internet is quickly becoming the most tyrannical force humanity has ever confronted... and the more you speak out about it, the crazier people think you are.
Once you can report on systemic corruption in a way that unites people, you are targeted & algorithmically crushed...
I've fought hard for over a solid decade... I feel like I have served my country & humanity pretty well... well, the best I could, I guess...
I don't know what I'm going to do next... have 2 solid books worth of material / vital info... but if I can't distribute it online & major publishers are afraid to publish, what can I do???
People are so outrageously / absurdly propagandized... and the so-called unelected "Deep State" now has machine-learning algo bots that know your every "digital thought-print," every move you make online, on your phone, credit card, text message, like, comment... they can craft messages and manipulate people on an individual level with incredible precision now... they know your every want & fear, perhaps even better than you do, as crazy as that sounds...
Cambridge Analytical, which is really a front company for UK intel's SCL Group, bragged that they had over 5000 data-points on every American adult, and they are weaker than Mossad, Saudi Intel, NSA, DIA & CIA, not to mention several private military, political & advertising companies...
I reported on some of this in one of the PDF reports linked to in the comments.
With our mobile phones now, we essentially already have chips implanted in our heads... ping, ping, ping... Skinner box behaviorism 101... Psychological Operations & Full Spectrum Dominance is not a joke... a significant percentage of the masses are already lost out to sea... and they are not coming back... these A.I. algo bots will think for you... and that cuts deep into what it actually means to be a human... i think, therefore I am... ah, I know, I sound crazy... but our critical-thinking skills have already been atrophied by repetitious mainstream media sound-bite attention spans... now the internet is making matters exponentially worse...
I'll also include a link to a recent Media Maelstrom article, which touches on that subject as well...
In other reports & my new material, I go real deep into how Psychological Operations works... and I am watching it all unfold in real-time now... it's a nightmare... it is the worst of Orwell & Huxley combined... on steroids, if you seriously understand those references...
I have spent the last decade of my life doing this out of obligation & responsibility to our future... this has not been fun at all... I just don't see any serious / legit leadership when it comes to defending the American people... the stunning lack of effective leadership is what keeps me up at night the most often...
As far as political leaders go... the only two candidates who are close to defending the American people & speaking truth to power are Tulsi Gabbard & old man Bernie, but Tulsi's voting record is suspect, to say the least... and tactically, from a political beltway maneuvering perspective, she is rookie level... and Bernie is the king of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory... he enjoys bringing water guns to all-out warfare... ie the Clinton War Profiteer / Wall St Machine... and forgive me my liberal friends, but supporting Hillary Clinton, who will eventually jump back in, is the same thing as supporting neo-con kingpin old BCCI Bobby Mueller & the most vicious factions within the CIA & on Wall Street. If Clinton was prez we would be engaged in a serious war by now... I don't like Trump, at all, but Pence & Clinton are WAR PROFITEERING SHILLS...
People are so disconnected from reality... after Hillary was caught red-handed stealing the DNC nomination, did Democrats really think that people in swing states, who had their economies devastated by Bill Clinton's NAFTA & Commodity Futures Modernization Act & several other Middle Class Destroying policies, would actually show up to vote for her?
That is utterly absurd... yeah, I know, let's blame Russia for everything that exposes the absurdly corrupt DNC, Clintons, evil factions within the CIA & War Profiteers... literally everything that exposes the DNC or Two-Party Oligarchy is now spun into a Russian Red-Scare plot that makes old school McCarthyism look like Mickey Mouse Romper Room propaganda...
And to be clear / counter-reactionary groupthink BS, yes, Putin is a viciously corrupt oligarch too! And Trump is a ridiculously self-interested shortsighted greed-addicted buffoon as well, just like crooked Shillary.
I don't want to upset people who mean well, I really don't…
I am saying all of this out of respect & love to both liberal & conservative friends... we are all on this same burning sinking ship together!
Reality has become so far removed from the divide & conquer groupthink / PSYOPS that are presented in the mainstream media & algorithmically propagated online... i don't at all fault people for being bamboozled into supporting their oppressors... it takes a significant amount of time to cut through all the propaganda... the PSYOPS are so intense & sophisticated now...
Real investigative journalism serves as a crucial societal guidance system that is vital to informing the working population on the vital issues that they need to know to make wise decisions...
When you are working full-time and trying to take care of a family, you don't have time research complex societal issues... that's why Global War Profiteers have decapitated our journalistic guidance systems... they have bought up all the large media companies... another bull market in oppression that kicked into overdrive when Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
I don't mean to harp on the Clintons... Bush, Obama & Trump are all Global Oligarch shills as well... I mean, after all, even an "elite" school like Princeton scientifically proved that both parties serve the global elite at the expense of American taxpayers...
Becoming the world's #1 Super Power put a major target on our back... every power-addicted force on the planet attacked our political, economic & communication systems & took them over. The biggest weak point / vulnerability we had / have is the covert compartmentalized "national security" state...
To be clear, I absolutely believe in having a powerful military and I think that many people throughout the military & Intel community are patriotic Americans who do care about protecting "freedom" & the interests of the American people, ie Constitutional Patriots... but some of those people have told me & proved to me that the left-hand doesn't know what the right-hand is doing... to be clearer, the good 90% of people throughout the Intel Community / military have no clue what the evil 10% is up to... and they are seriously concerned as TRILLIONS of dollars & weapons disappear...
See my report on the now over 100k whistleblowers...
Anyone who knows anything about military spending or acquisition knows that obscene amounts of money & weapons are systematically disappearing... outrageous fraud is happening throughout the entire supply line... the chain of accountability has been dismantled, as I've been trying to report on... many high level & well-decorated DOD & IC Inspector Generals, accountants & military / intel members have blown the whistle... only to be effectively silenced... and because I've reported on this most crucial issue, I have now been effectively silenced as well.
And that's that...
As I am snuffed out by the Techno-Fascists...
For the handful of people who can see this post, I truly thank you for your persistence in following me.
I don't know what my next move is, but I am now surrounded on all sides, every front is under attack, no joke ... --- ...