World Ivermectin Day: Protect Yourself From the Weaponized COVID Spike Protein
Today is World Ivermectin Day. For the past year, we have known that Ivermectin-based treatments cure COVID.
When Australia’s CDD Director Dr. Thomas Borody announced the cure to COVID in the summer of 2020, I wrote an extensive report on it and then gave information to doctors worldwide. Since then, we have helped save many lives.
However, every step of the way we have been heavily censored, and my life has been tactically undermined while well over a million people have died unnecessary deaths.
We have been literally fighting a war to save lives.
Due to relentless repetitive propaganda, far too many people are still tragically unaware of provable reality.
As hard as it is to believe, the evidence is clear: COVID is a bio-terrorism campaign to enslave the global population.
If you think that is a conspiracy theory, you’ve been dangerously propagandized by misinformation.
We have clear definitive evidence proving that Anthony Fauci funded the bio-weapons programs that built SARS, in particular the Spike Protein that is now being injected into hundreds of millions of people via mRNA injections that have been falsely called “vaccines.”
We can also now prove that at least 85% of COVID deaths were due to systemic medical malpractice and suppression of Ivermectin, HCQ and other well-proven safe and effective treatments.
Therefore, if you take the “official” COVID death count, this means there has been 510,000 unnecessary American deaths, and 3,400,000 unnecessary deaths worldwide, which are a direct consequence of Anthony Fauci’s leadership and corrupted systemic decision-making processes.
Think about that.
Fauci clearly knew this was a bio-weapon, yet he was covering it up while systemically suppressing effective life-saving treatments against it.
How wicked can you get?
He obviously also knew that the S1 Spike Protein that they put into the injections was weaponized, is toxic, travels throughout the entire body, crosses the blood-brain barrier, causes neurological damage, collects in reproductive organs, causes miscarriages, infertility, blood clots, serious heart problems, auto-immune disorders, and can stimulate many dormant health problems.
In fact, world renown geneticist and Research Director at the French National Institute of Health Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, who has also completed post-docs at Harvard Medical School and the Salk Institute, believes the mRNA Spike Protein injections pose significant infertility risks and may ultimately have the effect of “waking up” dormant and endogenous sicknesses throughout our genome.
And now, Fauci is proactively supporting a door-to-door “vaccination” misinformation campaign to pressure people into taking the toxic injection, while pushing for local mandates to inject not only every adult but every child as quickly as possible.
This is shockingly evil madness!!
As I’ve been saying since the lockdowns started: Evil has become so evil that well-meaning good-hearted people cannot even comprehend how evil it has become.
It’s a tragedy of biblical proportions.
They are proactively smearing and discrediting anyone who reveals these dangers by labeling them “anti-vaxxers,” “conspiracy theorists” and “extremists,” which triggers people to instinctively, reflexively dismiss credible vital information before critical thinking skills can be applied.
The very people who are saturating mass consciousness in deadly misinformation are trying to silence and discredit scientists, journalists and health experts -- who have urgent critical medical information and verifiable evidence -- as spreaders of misinformation.
Their propaganda and censorship operations have been devastatingly effective thus far.
Many of us have mountains of solid evidence proving systemic Crimes Against Humanity all over the place. Most of the critical information has been known for over a year now, but it’s been censored and strategically suppressed from mass consciousness.
When it comes to provable in court evidence, that is solid common-ground for us to strategically rally around so we can more effectively defend our families.
We have to flood the gates of censorship to raise awareness and organize around this evidence.
We must demand accountability.
The government agencies that are supposed to protect us have now been weaponized against us. The systemic accountability mechanisms are captured.
Therefore, it is up to us!
It is up to you to defend yourself, your family and community.
We are in the midst of a bio-terrorism attack.
Fortunately, Ivermectin and zinc stop the weaponized Spike Protein from replicating in our cells.
To get Ivermectin, please consult one of these doctors - they have well-proven Critical Care experience in treating COVID patients, with significantly lower death rates.
They also have treatment protocols for long-haul COVID and post-mRNA “vaccine” syndromes.
Ivermectin is not the only effective treatment, but it has thus far proven to be the safest and most effective way to treat and prevent the spread on a mass scale.
In regions of the world where it has been distributed en masse, the outbreak, hospitalizations and deaths have been quickly and significantly reduced.
It cannot be said enough: the censorship and systemic suppression of well-proven life-saving treatments is blatant medical malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity.
You have to grasp the level of evil that we are confronted by right now. Technically speaking, it is the evolution of fascist control.
We have to step up!!
It is our responsibility to defend our families and communities.
War has been brought to our door. Acts of terrorism are being perpetrated against us.
The longer we ignore reality, the worse it will get.
If we prosecute Anthony Fauci, it will be a strong shot across the bow in defense of humanity.
Please help spread this life-saving information,
~ David DeGraw

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future.
When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
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Every dollar seriously helps. The battle against targeted censorship and strategic suppression has been brutal, to say the least.