I am putting together a team of people to help expose systemic corruption and Crimes Against Humanity. We have already gathered a mountain of provable-in-court evidence that we need to strategically release and organize awareness-raising campaigns around.
If you want to be involved or collaborate, email me here.
As part of the overall strategy, we are also launching a new crowdsourcing social platform for Evidence-Based News - for the basic concept in beta, see In Defense of Humanity .com.
Here are the primary issues that we will provide evidence for, most of which I have already reported on:
(Note: As absurdly crazy as many of these issues sound, there is no need for any “conspiracy theories,” all of this is provable based on solidly sourced verifiable evidence and corrupt systemic decision-making processes.)
1) There has been a non-patented, safe, inexpensive and readily available cure to COVID, which also stops the spread, that was known by the WHO, CDC, NIH and FDA before the lockdowns began. Ivermectin is a 2015 Nobel Prize-winning “multifaceted wonder drug” with over 8000 peer-reviewed studies that has been on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines, and it was proven to be highly effective against RNA viruses, including coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-1 prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. It was then clearly proven to inhibit the replication SARS-CoV-2. (Ivermectin-based treatments)
2) The corrupted COVID Treatment Guidelines Panel and the FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) process, specifically EUA’s for Remdesivir, “vaccines,” and the suppression of Ivermectin-based protocols and various proven safe and effective non-patented treatments.
3) How unnecessary lockdown policies led to an unprecedented consolidation of wealth, skyrocketing debt, poverty, hunger, depression, addiction, suicide, abuse, “deaths of despair,” unnecessary medical deaths due to lack of care, and psychological abuse on a global scale.
4) How the “vaccination” program is a Big Pharma profiteering racket and an oppressive surveillance state / Big Tech power play to gain control over every aspect of our lives.
5) How Psychological Warfare strategies (Psychological Operations & Behavioral Engineering) have been deployed worldwide based on orchestrated repetitious mainstream media messaging, A.I. machine-learned algorithmic manipulation of individual-specific confirmation biases, and the censorship of vital information.
6) The strategic targeted censorship operations against doctors, scientists, medical experts, investigative journalists and credible critical information - including the strategic censorship of well-proven life-saving non-patented treatments.
7) The fraudulent PCR tests, which were used to gather DNA information and produce false positives to spread fear and compliance. (The cycle threshold methodology manipulation is utterly absurd, and that’s just the beginning.)
8) The orders to deny treatment and oxygen to COVID patients, while incentivizing death sentence ventilators. (How wicked can you get?)
9) The longterm health dangers of experimental mRNA injections.
10) How nanotech injections create a genetically-modified human bio-software Operating System. (Many people still don’t understand why Bill Gates is a $20 to $1 ROI “vaccine” profiteer. He wants your body for his new beta Bio-OS.)
11) The origins of COVID and the current state of bio-weapons development.
12) The latest developments in tech, specifically nanotech and A.I., and how exactly they are being used to manipulate and oppress humanity.
13) How corrupted factions within the National Security state, both political parties, big banks, big pharma, big tech/media, global billionaires and China’s CCP all exploited COVID to consolidate power and wealth on an unprecedented scale. (The NatSec-backed “too big to fail” doctrine run amok.)
14) How the National Security state colludes with “too big to fail” global corporations to sidestep the Constitution, rule of law and any accountability whatsoever.
15) How government agencies & systemic accountability mechanisms that are supposed to protect national civilian populations from predatory global interests have been corrupted & captured by imperial corporations; a comprehensive analysis of revolving door, lobbying, campaign finance, and many clear examples of corrupt policies & decisions, including scientific multivariate analysis of bills passed and policies implemented, which emphatically prove both parties and government agencies put global corporate interests before the wellbeing of the American people.
16) In-depth analysis of corrupt economic policies, the falsification of statistics, and the operations of the Federal Reserve, IMF, BIS, World Bank and global economic system in general, including High Frequency Trading and Stock Market manipulation tactics.
17) Analysis of inhumane Big Pharma profiteering rackets, overwhelming evidence on Crimes Against Humanity as standard operating procedure.
18) The looting of natural resources and record-breaking extraction rates, which have led to unprecedented levels of deadly pollution, including analysis of toxic air, soil, food and water supply.
19) Safe, effective and readily available ways to optimize your immune system and overall health.
20) Comprehensive look into sustainable technologies and the current state of self-sufficient communities.
21) Trillions of dollars in unaccounted for, unconstitutional, fraudulent and corrupt military spending and overall governmental tax allocations. (The U.S. Treasury has been absurdly looted in surreal fashion.)
22) Congressional corruption and negligence for ignoring Government Accountability Office and Inspector General investigations, lack of tax allocation oversight, not protecting whistleblowers and failure to conduct urgently needed specific targeted investigations across every government agency.
As most people on this email list know, I have dedicated my life to investigating the most significant National Security issues of our time. I have a long-proven track record of getting critical issues correct when the mainstream media and popular opinion have been catastrophically wrong.
By focusing on systemic analysis and decision-making processes, as opposed to partisan critiques, I have received support from people with opinions across the entire political spectrum.
I have been a political consultant for many highly influential people and have worked to facilitate several U.S. Senate hearings on vital National Security issues.
I’ve also been part of political and social justice campaigns that have had worldwide impact. Most notably, I started the 99% Movement and was one of the original organizers of the global Occupy movement.
Throughout my career, I have been censored, suppressed, hacked and undermined in many ways. It is a miracle that I am still alive. I’m actually several miracles deep.
Over the past year, I have helped inform many doctors worldwide on Ivermectin-based treatment protocols that have saved many lives. In response to these efforts, I have had my life turned upside down in many ways.
My life has become a disaster, but I’m grateful to still be here and now in a position to move forward. Everything that has happened over the last few months has slowed me down, I’m still recovering, about 75% now, but I have kept working as much as possible and I am now ready to fight back in significant strategic ways.
We need an Accountability Army to inform people and get high profile court cases moving. We also need Inspector General (IG) investigations unleashed efficiently for specific targeted investigations.
Other than demanding IG investigations, whatever is left of the Judicial Branch is our best chance to defend our families. We have more than enough evidence to prove Crimes Against Humanity. We need to check their power in court with high profile cases as efficiently as possible. This is an urgent strategic priority!
Censorship Counter-Offensive
A free society is dependent upon the quality of information that its citizens are aware of; how well-informed they are. As Charles Tobey put it, "A democratic government is only as strong as the alert conscience of its people.”
In a society that is theoretically based on voting rights and the rule of law, a widespread understanding of critical issues based on solid provable evidence serves as a foundational pillar, a guidepost, where we can find actionable truth and build common ground.
Therefore, investigative journalism serves as a vital societal guidance system.
Real journalism is a navigation system that helps people focus on the most important information, which we need to make wise decisions that will determine our fate.
That’s why we have the 1st Amendment. Journalism is a GPS that helps society navigate away from oppression and toward freedom.
This is why imperial and power-hungry interests always target the communication and information systems that people rely on for quality information. Every major global corporation has always known that the media is the frontline of power, the tip of the spear.
For some ancient wisdom, as Sun Tzu said in The Art of War: “To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.”
German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies summed it up in 1891:
"The press is the real instrument of public opinion, weapon and tool in the hands of those who know how to use it…. It is comparable and, in some respects, superior to the material power which the states possess through their armies, their treasuries, and their bureaucratic civil service."
As American sociologist John Dewey summed it up in 1933:
"We live exposed to the greatest flood of mass suggestion that any people has ever experienced."
As Kelton Rhoads -- Senior Mentor for Psychological Operation (PSYOP) forces at the JFK Special Warfare Center and professor of Communication & Psychology at the US Air Force's Joint Special Operations University -- summed it up:
"Make no mistake. There are legions of influence agents operating in our society. They thrive -- they exist at the pinnacles of power -- by getting you to think things and to do things they want you to think and do.
Most people are either unaware of these influences, or when they are, vastly overestimate the amount of freedom they have to make up their own minds."
The key point: even the most independent minded people “vastly overestimate the amount of freedom they have to make up their own minds.”
Now Psychological Operations experts and behavioral engineers have devastatingly effective weapons. The A.I. machine-learned algorithmic manipulation of individual-specific confirmations biases, behavioral micro-targeting, has people cheering on their own demise.
If you don’t realize how dangerous that is, you are not thinking it through. It is such a decisive strategic weapon on the frontlines of the enslavement of humanity.
People vastly underestimate PSYOPS. With the latest tech, it is easy to monitor, manipulate and invade every aspect of your life.
The frontline of this war on your mind is in your hand; your cell phone, all of our online activity has been weaponized against you.
Every phone call, text, email, private message, post, comment, like, friend, follower, purchase, online search, website-visited -- every digital footprint, thought-print -- is recorded and fed into Big Data analytics and algorithms to create your “personality profile,” so they can predict, manipulate and increasingly control our behavior.
In a significant way, our cell phones and computers are an extension of our minds, and increasingly our bodies. Every move we make, every thought we communicate is now weaponized against us. We have given away the keys to our mind.
Make no mistake, as crazy as it sounds, the war to psychologically enslave humanity is 100% real. I can explain it in detail and have reported on it.
The 2016 Cambridge Analytica scandal gave us an in-depth look into Psychological Operations (PSYOPS). As Analytica’s CEO Alexander Nix summed it up back then:
“Your behavior is driven by your personality and actually the more you can understand about people’s personality as psychological drivers, the more you can actually start to really tap in to why and how they make their decisions.
We call this behavioral microtargeting and this is really our secret sauce, if you like.
This is what we’re bringing to America.”
As Scout.AI summed it up:
“‘This is a propaganda machine. It’s targeting people individually to recruit them…. It’s a level of social engineering that I’ve never seen before.
They’re capturing people and then keeping them on an emotional leash and never letting them go,’ said professor Jonathan Albright….
It was a piece of a much bigger and darker puzzle - a Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine being used to manipulate our opinions and behavior to advance specific political agendas.
By leveraging automated emotional manipulation alongside swarms of bots, Facebook dark posts, A/B testing, and fake news networks, a company called Cambridge Analytica has activated an invisible machine that preys on the personalities of individual voters to create large shifts in public opinion….
This new wave has brought the world something exponentially more insidious - personalized, adaptive, and ultimately addictive propaganda.
Silicon Valley spent the last ten years building platforms whose natural end state is digital addiction….
Welcome to the age of Weaponized AI Propaganda…. Big Data Surveillance Meets Computational Psychology….
Analytica’s personality model has allowed it to create a personality profile for every adult in the U.S. — 220 million of them, each with up to 5,000 data points.
And those profiles are being continually updated and improved the more data you spew out online.”
Think about all of this in context of COVID PSYOPS, which are significantly more evolved than Cambridge Analytica’s 2016 behavioral micro-targeting:
[Imagine an election campaign with] 250 million algorithmic versions of their political message all updating in real-time, personalized to precisely fit the worldview and attack the insecurities of their targets…
Instead of having to deal with misleading politicians, we may soon witness a cambrian explosion of pathologically-lying political and corporate bots that constantly improve at manipulating us.
We can go very deep into all of this. For now, here’s another quick note from a PSYOPS perspective that I’ve reported on throughout the War on Terror, identity politics are used to silo off targeted civilian populations into the smallest possible demographics, “psychographic segmentation,” text book imperial divide & conquer tribalization, stoking sectarian warfare, which makes it easier to manipulate targets, to incite and exacerbate division and make local populations fight amongst each other while global corporations loot wealth and resources.
Reflexively dismiss this as “conspiracy theory” at your own peril.
It’s blatant provable reality.
We cannot ignore obscene Crimes Against Humanity. We cannot allow these absurdities and atrocities to continue.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
What it means to be a human is at stake. “Cogito, ergo sum,” “I think, therefore I am." What happens when weaponized A.I. is doing the thinking for you.
To be clear, in overall context, it’s not about any one group, it’s a systemic problem. It is a corrupted and outdated systemic operating system. Global systemic power dynamics clearly show that the accountability mechanisms are captured. National Security-backed imperial corporations are running amok in increasingly exploitative and inhumane ways.
Imperialism has evolved beyond any one nation state. The 3rd world and developing world have been exploited for decades, centuries. Now imperialism jacked up on the latest technologies have advanced to enslaving first world populations as well – that’s where the action is at now with COVID.
In the pathologies of techno-imperialism, every body is a target to be personally strip-mined, commodified and controlled.
People need to understand the direct attack against them.
COVID has fundamentally shifted the battlefield. Most people are still fighting the last war, naively unaware of evolved threats.
The battlefield is ever-evolving. Freedom requires eternal vigilance.
With the power of new technologies, we are running over quickly shifting terrain.
We need a higher resolution GPS to help us navigate the imperial oppressive forces that are spiraling around us.
You don’t need to be a systems analyst to realize which way this is all headed. The systemic momentum is the evolution of fascism.
Looking at the overall battlefield, our Global Operating System, the global economy has an imperial source code that is fundamentally designed and programmed to consolidate wealth, resources and power into fewer and fewer hands, which makes the masses dependent upon large centralized systems for the necessities of life, for ever-increasing debt.
Hence, the skyrocketing all-time record-breaking debt spiraling across far too many sectors of the global economy.
In the grand scheme of things, it’s the well-established “Iron Law of Oligarchy” playing out once again. It’s the “pulse beat of civilization” - expansion and contraction - growth, concentration, corruption and collapse.
To make matters worse, any innovation that empowers people to be self-sufficient and independent from corrupted centralized systems is systemically suppressed or co-opted.
The technological paradigm shift has already happened. New technologies empower people to be self-sufficient for basic necessities. In many significant ways, technological advances make the centralization of power obsolete.
Think of the wisdom, “It is better to teach someone to fish than give them fish.”
Instead of empowering people to fish, the global imperial OS hoards all the fish to keep people dependent upon their corrupted centralized systems.
The COVID Crisis is an edifying example of that. COVID is a classic case of a collapsing endangered oligarchy desperately engaging in imperial overreach to keep populations from evolving beyond globalization and moving toward localization, breaking free by developing decentralized, self-sufficient, independent and thriving communities.
People also need to understand that major global crises, whether it is a financial crisis or COVID, create a massive power vacuum. Every power-addicted force on the planet will quickly move to exploit the situation to amass power.
During COVID there are many shockingly corrupt examples, for an obvious one, just look at the consolidation of wealth that has occurred since the pandemic began. Billionaires increased their wealth by $4 Trillion ($4000 billion) during the lockdown.
While many businesses have been bankrupted and billions of people are buried in skyrocketing debt, billionaires have increased their wealth by 54% since the pandemic began.
The COVID CARES Act and other “relief” bills were absurd heists.
Every State of Emergency enthrones the National Security state, which has long since rendered the Constitution null and void.
The nexus between the most powerful global corporations and the surveillance state has made Eisenhower’s worst nightmare a reality.
Global corporations under the guise of National Security secrecy is a recipe for totalitarian technocratic tyranny, technically speaking.
The merger of the National Security complex and global corporate cartels is the evolution of fascism.
Most good-hearted people can’t even comprehend power and evil on this scale. As I’ve been saying for the past few years, “Evil has become so evil that good-hearted, well-meaning people can’t even comprehend how evil it is.”
The more traumatizing wider reality becomes, the more people cling to denial as a coping mechanism. In general, people prefer comforting lies over disturbing truth.
This is how good people end up on the wrong side of history.
As Carl Sagan put it:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us.
It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
As Nietzsche said in Twilight of the Idols:
“Even the most courageous among us rarely has courage for that which they truly know.”
It’s time for a heavy dose of courage. We have to stop living in fear. Let’s make courage contagious.
Enough is enough. This has all gone way too far!
The lack of leadership is horrifying. It is a disgrace!
We are not poor peasants trapped in an impoverished third world existence. We are a critical mass of aware people who have the power to put an end to this, now, non-violently, through public awareness, investigations and the courts.
Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
They are censoring and suppressing us in unprecedented ways. They have been denying us the court of public opinion. Let’s see what is left of the Judicial Branch. It is our last line of defense.
The window of opportunity to avoid violence is closing fast. Millions of people have already died unnecessary deaths, inhumane profiteering rackets are running rampant, the global economy has been pillaged, debt has exploded, national governments are corrupted, our communication and information systems have been co-opted, resources are depleted, our communities are polluted, and our air, soil, water and food is increasingly toxic.
We have to organize more effectively. We all have much more common ground than is generally realized.
We all want to live in a healthy community that gives our families the opportunity to fulfill their potential.
The only divide that matters is between those who are in on the corruption and those who are not, and 99.99% of humanity is not in on it.
This was meant to be a quick post… got caught up in the flow… main point: I can explain the overall battlefield in much more depth - in ways that the average person can understand and relate to.
I am currently scheduling interviews, if you have a show or podcast, email me here.
Much Gratitude & Love to All,
~ David DeGraw
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