thank you for the information

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Please watch your back. Big Pharma has been suppressing information for

years. Anything for the almighty dollar. As I am sure you are well aware

over 50 holistic physicians have been murdered in recent years. They were

using cheap effective natural treatments against some of our most well-known

diseases and they were obtaining cures. That was something that Big

Pharma could not accept. After all they make their money off expensive

manmade pharmaceuticals. Another Big Pharma move that cost lives,

was the campaign against hydroxychloroquine. They did their best to scare

the public out of taking it. Why? Because it is cheap and they had their own

new expensive drugs they want the public to buy. Of course, they also had

to pay off people in the medical field and politicians that knew what was

going on, to help execute their plan. It doesn’t take much research to

expose all of this, but Big Pharma continues to make truckloads of money.

It is disgusting, as are the medical people and politicians that aided them and

cost lives in order to fill their wallets. This is just a drop in bucket as far as

the corruption going on in our own country as well as around the world.

All around us are battles of good versus evil. It is time to jump in and

pick a side. We are the only ones that can successfully clean up our


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thank you so much David for all your work! I hope you can join forces with the www.planetlockdownfilm com site - they too are fighting the good fight! Attny Reiner Fuellmich ... and others. There is more power in numbers! And it will help to increse your safety !!!

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