“We’ve already won the hearts and minds of a critical mass throughout the military and the civilian population.
We’ve already reached a critical mass tipping point in awareness, but censorship throughout social media and the mainstream media is making the aware critical mass feel as if they are much smaller in numbers than they actually are.
We just need to make that point clear to the critical mass of aware people.
We are the overwhelming majority. We are the most powerful force on this planet.
Act accordingly.
We can enforce accountability now.
The longer we hesitate, the more evolved and effective the technologies of enslavement become. The battlefield is exponentially evolving.
If you do not focus on proactively defending yourself from the unconventional warfare attacks that are deployed against you, you will be completely enslaved.”
- Confessions of a Freedom Fighter
2 New Updates…
We just released another inspiring collection of videos…
Patriots Are Taking Our Military Back
Watch it on Rumble here.
If you haven’t see the first collection yet, watch it here.
For all the people who have emailed about getting the book via a payment system other than PayPal, here is a link to pre-order a Limited Edition first-run copy via Stripe here.
Patriots Are Taking Our Military Back
We are launching a campaign to take back control of OUR military from the New World Order Terrorists. We already have the support of a significant percentage of active duty soldiers, people throughout the Intel Community and Combat Veterans.
We are now defending our military service members who risk their lives to defend us.
We will not let our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters in the military be unnecessarily put into harm’s way and be used as cannon fodder for power-addicted imperial interests.
It is utterly absurd, outrageous and stupid that old NWO puppet boy Biden keeps referring to 2nd Amendment supporting “Constitutional patriots” and “patriotic Americans,“ who are trying to protect their families, as “right-wing terrorists.”
Biden consistently mocks Americans by saying things like, “You can’t take on a government with an AK-47,” and, “You need an F-15; you need something more than a gun to take on the government.”
The absurdity of his provoking and hypocritical statements is horrifying.
First off, who does he think serves in the U.S. military?
Most of the people serving in the U.S. military self-identify as being “Constitutional patriots” and “freedom fighters,” who serve in defense of the Constitution, the American people and their families.
The people that Biden is demonizing are the brothers and sisters, the parents, the family and friends of the people who are serving in the military and throughout the Intelligence Community.
These New World Order globalist tyrants have become so arrogantly delusion and drunk on power, they don’t even realize how stupid they sound.
Biden has become the perfect symbolic puppet of the collapsing Old World Order.
The “Biden” Administration is now pumping far too many of our weapons – that we need to defend Americans -- and billions of our tax dollars -- that we need to take care of Americans and rebuild our country -- into Ukraine to further destabilize and weaken America.
We all know the globalist war racket. For the past 20 years, we have witnessed and experienced firsthand how they wasted trillions of our tax dollars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
They used the “War on Terror” as a front to loot trillions of our tax dollars from the U.S. Treasury, bury Americans in debt and squander our resources. Then, they just recklessly pulled out of Afghanistan like drunken sailors, leading to completely unnecessary American deaths, and shifted focus to war with Russia.
We all know the score.
Now these Old World Order tyrants are trying to continue their reign of terror by tyrannically enforcing a New World Order with COVID and a new World War.
U.S. “leadership” is despised throughout the American populace and throughout the world.
Nation state adversaries, such as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc., see the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties as their enemies. However, they do not see the American people as their enemies, because they are not as stupid and delusional as the paid-off power-drunk leadership of the Democratic and Republican parties are.
As a Princeton scientific study definitively proved, the U.S. government and foreign policy have been hijacked by “global economic elites” who work against the interests of hardworking American taxpayers.
99% of Americans have no representative or influence over the government, and 99% of humanity is against our proven corrupt political establishment as well.
COVID will be remembered as the point in which the globalist aristocracy collapsed in imperial overreach. Due to COVID imperial overreach, the global oligarchs who control the U.S. government are now exposed and isolated.
Now is the time for justice to be served.
We, who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution, will protect our families by taking back our military and our government from those global terrorists who seek to oppress the American people and freedom worldwide.
We are now defending our military service members who risk their lives to defend us.
We will not let our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters in the military be unnecessarily put into harm’s way and be used as cannon fodder for power-addicted imperial interests.
We will not allow the imperial globalist aristocracy to control our foreign policy to the determent of Americans.
Just before COVID was unleashed, we were able to get the first ever full scope audit of the Pentagon. It was clearly proven that trillions of our tax dollars were unaccounted for. Due to the audits, we now know for certain that Pentagon accounting systems were strategically designed to prevent proper accounting, to cover up trillions of dollars in theft and fraud.
As Department of Defense Inspector General audits have consistently revealed:
• "The financial management systems DOD has put in place to control and monitor the money flow don't facilitate but actually 'prevent DOD from collecting and reporting financial information that is accurate, reliable, and timely.'"
• "DOD managers do not know how much money is in their accounts at the Treasury, or when they spend more than Congress appropriates to them, nor does DOD 'record, report, collect, and reconcile' funds received from other agencies or the public;"
A report summarizing Ernst & Young's initial Defense Logistics audit said:
"Across the board, its financial management is so weak that its leaders and oversight bodies have no reliable way to track the huge sums [of tax money] it's responsible for… as the auditors found, the agency often has little solid evidence for where much of that money is going."
In addition to the audits, the Army also conducted an investigation into the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) and concluded that they were completely corrupt and should not be allowed to oversee military contracts, yet they have now overseen well over $5 trillion in military contract spending.
These absurdities have to stop!
We need accountability and justice now!
Pentagon accounting has been blatant systemic malfeasance on unprecedented levels. Then, before proper accounting could be put into place and justice could be served, we got hit by COVID.
COVID has derailed progress on bringing accountability, and the looting continues.
We don’t even know how our tax dollars are being spent in Ukraine.
We need to take our military and foreign policy back now!
We have a critical mass of support within the military, Intelligence Community and throughout the American population. Due to the blatant corruption exposed throughout COVID, we have now reached a critical mass tipping point in awareness.
Throughout active duty service members and people in the Intelligence Community, we estimate that a solid 90% of them are now aware enough to be against the proven illegal and harmful COVID mRNA nanotech shot mandate.
As whistleblower reports from military leaders and legal documents have proved, we now know that the science behind the shots was terribly flawed, to say the least, and we are now facing a military readiness crisis because far too many service members have experienced negative side effects and thousands of our best fighters have been illegally discharged or separated for refusing the known harmful shots.
Morale throughout the military is now at an all-time low because most everyone realizes that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was briefed on how harmful these shots were, based on the Pfizer clinical trial data, yet he still mandated them force-wide.
Due to this now provable fact, many people serving in uniform right now want him prosecuted, yet he still remains in charge.
When it comes to the Secretary of Defense mandating a known harmful shot on every member of our military, claiming ignorance is not an acceptable excuse. The obscene risks were clearly proven throughout the clinical trials, and then they tried to cover it up by keeping the results secret for 75 years.
Senior leadership must be held accountable.
As the military leaders who blew the whistle made clear in their legal filings:
“Senior DoD officials, supported by the DOJ, misrepresented, circumvented, obfuscated, and ultimately violated U.S. law to achieve the unreasonable and detrimental goal of 100% vaccination of the military.”
They also strategically deceived and coerced service members into taking the shots - threatening dishonorable discharge and many other illegal punishments. They even tricked people into taking the shots by making them believe that they were getting an F.D.A. approved shot, because according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) it is illegal to force Emergency Use products on service members.
The infamous Pfizer Comirnaty bait and switch PSYOP will also go down in history as a grotesquely treasonous betrayal of leadership - this entire COVID attack will.
We’ve known that COVID is a bio-weapon and all about the weaponized spike protein from the get go, yet the top of the chain of command ignored all the evidence.
We also knew the dangers of the not-fit-for-humans lipid nanoparticles that travel throughout the entire body, cross the blood-brain barrier and collect in organs.
We also knew that Ivermectin-based treatment protocols were effective in stopping the weaponized spike protein and nanotech parasites from replicating in our cells.
Treason and Crimes Against Humanity prosecutions must begin now!
Due to the shockingly tyrannical government overreach throughout COVID and the mass harm inflicted, the “Biden” Admin, leadership of both parties and the globalist aristocracy are now cornered and desperate. They are doing their best to incite World War III, Civil War style violence, chaos and societal collapse, so they can escape prosecution from clearly treasonous activities, dereliction of duty, illegal orders and their facilitation of inhumane profiteering and Crimes Against Humanity, which can now be proven in court.
In fact, many of the legal precedents have already been set.
As people throughout the military know well, to be a General in the U.S. military you have to be selected by politicians. Essentially, they only pick service members who bow down and kiss the ring of the imperial war profiteering military industrial political establishment.
Generals know that if they go along with whatever the “global economic elite” want, they will get very well-paying jobs working for military companies and global corporations. Everyone knows how corrupt that revolving door racket is.
If sellout politically-appointed Generals are not going to uphold their oath and continue to be derelict in their duties, they too will be held personally accountable, along with their proven corrupt political overlords and financial benefactors.
It is utterly absurd to think that Americans throughout the military and government agencies are going to go against the American civilian population with a large-scale nationwide police state crackdown.
If those orders were ever given, many of the politically-appointed Generals, the “Biden” Administration and leaders of the DNC and RNC, would end up being detained.
We are now at a critical tipping point where any orders that escalate the infringement of the American people’s Constitutional rights will lead to the leaders of both political parties being detained.
The “Biden” Administration is a paper tiger in a Potemkin Village. The corrupted leadership of both parties are desperately rearranging the deck chairs on their Titanic.
If the “Biden” Admin or DNC and RNC leadership colludes to incite all-out kinetic war, World War III, a Civil War type scenario, or continues down a path of engineered societal collapse, the overwhelming majority of the Intel Community and military is now ready to turn on them.
As it is, the “Biden” Administration has been trying to go to war with Russia since they first took office, but the military, for the most part, has been ignoring their orders, and now even the little LARPer boy who dresses up like a General, itty bitty kitty Milley, is turning against the “Biden” Admin because he knows that justice is going to be served.
Throughout the continental U.S., we already have approximately 14 million Combat Ready civilians and veterans, with another 34 million people proficient in firearms locked and loaded, then add in 90% of the military, and we, the American Patriots, are by far the most powerful fighting force on the planet.
They have the money printers, the mainstream media and the puppet politicians, all of which are collapsing, but we have the numbers, the intel, the evidence, the weapons and the people who know how to use them.
We now feel emboldened and very confident in saying that no sane group of people are going to go against Freedom Fighting American Patriots.
A.I., drones, DEWs, bio/chemical warfare, geo-engineering, GMOs, nanotech, EMFs, weaponized government agencies and other Full Spectrum Dominance unconventional warfare methods can definitely inflict damage throughout the populace, we are well aware of that, but it defies logic to believe that any group of people are capable of completely enslaving the majority of American population.
The imperial globalists have gotten as far as they have because Americans were too naïve, trusting and unaware. However, we now have a critical mass of awareness and we are too well-armed, well-equipped, well-funded and capable to be tyrannized to such an extent any longer.
Even if supply chains are completely wiped out, innovative self-sufficient communities will flourish, which is a blessing in disguise and exactly what they are trying to prevent, as the paradigm shift from centralized globalization more rapidly evolves toward decentralized localization.
We don’t need to rely on their tyrannically corrupted centralized systems anymore. We can all thrive in independent self-sufficient communities.
The bottom line, with tens of millions of American Patriots and solid support from people throughout the Intel Community and military, to oppose us you will have to completely expose yourself as being a treasonous global imperial puppet, who has complete disregard for the wellbeing of the American people.
As Sun Tzu wisely summed it up, the victorious General wins the war before it is fought. The supreme Art of War is to avoid war by defeating your enemy without firing a shot.
Therefore, we are now united and prepared for war in overwhelming numbers because we want peace, freedom, sanity and justice restored.
We are at a point now where only misguided fools will oppose us.
The tide has turned.
Justice is imminent and inevitable.
A critical mass now sees through the relentless repetitiously reinforced bullshit political narratives and the absurd Chinese style censorship.
All these “woke” identity politics are bullshit divide and conquer PSYOPS. This is not a left vs right, liberal vs conservative, Democrat vs Republican, man vs women, black vs white, Christian vs Muslim vs Jew issue.
When you clear the fog of war, you will clearly see that this is the globalist aristocracy vs humanity.
The tyrannical globalists don’t care what your ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs are, they want to enslave everyone.
We are in a time of unprecedented crisis. We are at the crossroads as a nation and as a species.
Everyone is on the frontlines. The war is at your doorstep. Your consciousness is under attack.
Individual sovereignty, personal consciousness and free will are under attack.
Biological, psychological, environmental and economic terrorism operations have been unleashed upon us.
You can effectively defend yourself, but you have to be proactive and become part of a self-sufficient community. To the extent that you rely on centralized systems, you will be enslaved.
Fuck the imperial New World Order aristocrats. They are a tiny terrorist organization, a small group of decrepit feeble old men who have become totally delusional and power drunk. Their time is over. They are obsolete shortsighted pathological power-addicted dinosaurs flailing toward extinction.
Consider this your last olive branch.
We know exactly who you are, and we know all the unconventional warfare attack vectors that you are deploying against us.
Reverse course immediately or face the consequences.
You must choose which side of history you will be on.
Are you supporting the tyrannical enslavement of humanity, or are you standing up for sanity and freedom?
We are standing up in defense of our nation, communities and families.
We are standing up in defense of humanity.
We are standing up in defense of freedom, peace and justice.
We are not peasants trapped in an impoverished third world existence. We are an overwhelming critical mass of aware and powerful people who will shut down terrorism operations and hold the corrupt accountable.
Justice will be served.
De Oppresso Liber
Much more to come…
~ David DeGraw
This post is just a little taste of what you will read in my forthcoming book…
Pre-order an autographed Limited Edition first-run copy of CONFESSIONS OF A FREEDOM FIGHTER via PayPal here or via Stripe here.
* First-run limited to 500 copies.
Thank you very much for such an all-encompassing update which we should continue to believe is spreading through the ranks and into thinking memebers of our civilization.
It looks like the efforts of so many diverse truth telling, small scale independent efforts to advance the truth that is strengthening the foundation for a turnover out of the mess we are in is finally about to turn the table on the traitors everywhere, not just here in the U.S. but thankfully elsewhere.
Thank you David for writing a book and giving us a Stripe option to buy it. I bought your book today and am so excited to read it. You taught me so much during Occupy! Shared today's essay to Twitter as well. You are doing important stuff!