there is a bigger fraud than this with the whole covid pandemic.It may have started under Obama in 2012 and he is alleged to have planned the emergency to subvert the Constitution to form a Socialist Republic. https://medium.com/@edwardagreenhalgh/covid-19-world-economic-collapse-under-the-rule-of-law-the-lock-downs-are-illegal-and-not-a-556c4b9b4ca8

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Awesome link thanks for posting

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President Trump should immediately fire the Criminals Robert Redfield & Deborah Birx. In addition, he should fire the Liar Dr Fauci. Also, he should have Fauci & Bill Gates investigated with their strong connections to Moderna. Moderna manufactures Vaccines that the Infamous Jeffrey Epstein was highly invested in. Moderna was founded by the former Nazi George Soros.

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Yes, they should investigate Bill Gates, because it's evident that he has a lot to do with this catastrophe, being present ominously in every link of the chain of the coronavirus-to-population control.

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I'm thinking and hoping that our President fires these people posthaste. And let's get the economy back in gear and open the polling booths. As Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch says, "mail in voting is an open invitation to fraud" and I agree.

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Why is mail in voting (which has always been used for absentee voting) an open invitation to fraud?

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Many reasons. Here’s a few: my household is 3 people voting age. One is registered, hasn’t received anything(R) the other two not registered, one recieved 3 mail in the other 2 never registered. We are in So.Cal with the crazy liberals...

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You can't trust the mail here to get anywhere

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Trump said recently that absentee ballots are okay because you must request one yourself. But mail in voting goes out into the public and is more likely to get into fraud. They have tested it and there are many ways it can be manipulated.

Also to the above comments - Do you think that Trump doesn't know all about these criminal quacks? He knows everything and he is in control of everything. Remember keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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While I agree about the mail in voting these ideas that everyone seems to have about Trump being aware of this and that and how it is all some mind game he plays is delusional. If that is true, when does he plan on doing something about these enemies? Before the collapse of the econonmy would have been useful. Any day now would be useful. I highly doubt this is all part of his strategic plan.

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It's no game it's very serious. Trump and Patriots have been planning this since the 2016 election. Trump and his Patriots (and digital soldiers like me) have been working out an amazing plan to let the Dems continue thinking they are in control, because they always have been. Their demise began when Hillary lost the election. They were so certain she would win and business would go on as usual. Trump and his team of Patriots have been going around all of this time since then, quietly collecting TONS of evidence. Trump has it ALL. For almost four years they have been gathering the evidence against the Democrats (which was easy) and some Republicans too, that they never had time to cover their collective asses. The TRUTH is coming out now and the corruption being revealed is global.

President Trump and his team of Patriots are uncovering treason on a massive scale and they know exactly what they are doing. Our own gov't was selling us out to China and to the highest bidder, obscenely enriching themselves. That all is ending now and nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

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Well said Nancy Rice.

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If you followed the last election in Canada electronic ballots/ proxy votes/mail in ballots are all easily fraudulently designed.

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In Spring 2020, Trump ignored over 600,000 signatures on a petition posted on Whitehouse.gov which demanded that Bill and Melinda Gates be investigated for crimes against humanity. Trump didn't fire Fauci or Birx. The criminals have co-conspirators to include Trump, Biden, Bourla, Tedros, Schwab, many governors and Congressmen who refuse to investigate and apply oversight.

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I don’t have extra money right now but would love to stay in touch and be involved somehow!

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He should also fire Dr Farsi as he has done the same thing by covering up mouse virus in vaccine medicine that causes autism in children

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You've all gone mad. Mail in voting is more prevalent and has been around longer than just this year! Many Republican led states voted to pass it. Do your damn homework.

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We’ve gone mad but yet you find yourself reading through and commenting on a fact driven article on the corruptness of the Covid task force. Mail in voting has been around for military and elderly/disabled in some states, an extremely small percentage of the actual voting that takes place. Protests happen, our constitutional right so VOTING should happen, another constitutional right. Go sit down and stop telling the woke people to do homework. I can GUARANTEE you we’ve done more than you.

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You need to stay anonymous...you have no idea what you are talking about. It is not prevalent and it is not the republican led states supporting it.

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States can't even correctly count the number of Covid cases so how could they correctly tally all the mail-in votes. Nope. Bad idea.

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I hope President Trump does the right thing. Only Trudope would try to protect frauds and lie to fire honest people!

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THe department of defense needs to end the vaccination program NOW !!!!!!!!!!!

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For sure!

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All part of cleaning the swamp and their supporters Obama’s, Clinton’s, Bill Gates, Fauci, most of the

FBI...never ending, yet never convicted of their crimes..not yet

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FB just banned me for reposting this

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if the Democrats delay the election and Pelosi takes office It will be the reason Jesus returns. When The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is in power Jesus returns. Trust the plan

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What? So you actually think that American politics is the reason for Christ's return?!

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Redfield was called out for this about thirty years ago. No one since has said they had a vaccine for AIDS. You imply that these medical people have been fraudulent all through their history, when they made a mistake back in the nineties. Now, Trump has put Redfield in as Director of the CDC. That is the reason to fear them, that Trump has installed them.

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Redmon(sp) has been Fauci’s sidekick for decades. If they unearth this one.. the rat fauci goes down.

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The heads need to role in WHO, Gates Faulci especially . ,A non political organization being used for political gains and power getting internation leaders to follow there covid19 farse ,Lockdowns,masks ,Vaccines ,The whole organizations need to be taken over as dose UN ,UNICEF ,All being influenced by money power .These organizations need to be run by high value moral people not interested in power money schemes same attitude maybe as Desmond Tu Tu ,Dalai Lama ,Sadi Guru ...name a few !!

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And Fauci?

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